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Laying "Road" tiles with the TFD tool

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:biggrin: .......... :mellow: .......... :blink: ............ :shok: ................ :shout: ................... :stars:


Hats off to anyone who ever made a terrain from scratch!

It is worth it in the end though....right?......Is there an end?

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yes, the satisfaction if nearly orgasmic...

and no;

it never ends ... the tiles go on and on and on and on......







(did you use my trick of painting the road sections, so as to obtain perfect alignments???

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What I have been doing to line up tiles is, since the FE tiles are 512x512, I create a new clear .tga that is 1024x1024. This way I can fit 4 different tiles in one .tga. I can rotate them any way I want to line up roads, rivers and terrain colors. Works really well and it's quick. I nice trick to thin out some trees too is to open the Terrains' Data.ini and find any texture and cancel out the AlphaObject parameter ( // ). The buildings stay but bye bye to all the trees. Makes for a more realistic farm country.

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I can tell you rivers and the corresponding heigh-map (fixing as no river flows uphill) is even worse

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I can tell you rivers and the corresponding heigh-map (fixing as no river flows uphill) is even worse

I'm sure it is. I'm glad I don't have to mess with the river tile positions at all.

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good thing you're not working on WW2 China... you know how many frakking rivers there are in China!!!????crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.b4aSfC0e_R.gif   :blink:


you can see what I mentioned (I think in another thread here), about 'painted' edges for the tiles. Everything comes out perfectly aligned


Canton region, pearl river estuary. grass fields, paddies, airfields etc

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The road connection works also with TE without problems.

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Wrench - I really like your idea of color coding the tiles. It makes terrain modding much easier.

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thanks! it's actually one of my BETTER ideas. Just like in cartoons, it came to me like a bolt from the blue (light bulb included!!)

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