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OT-I want to bomb Gestapo Headquarters...

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In the past few days, I've been digging out Wiki articles about the Mosquito raids on Oslo, Copenhagen, and others. If I were to fly such a mission, would IL-2 '46 be the Sim of choice?

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The main problem will be the maps. AFAIK there's no map with Oslo on it, Copenhagen is on Denmark map (obviously) but that map is not properly populated IIRC. You can ask here:




They will be able to help. Also IIRC the Mosquitos are all available so only problem will be the maps.


Good luck.

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well, if you're an SF2 WW2 player, such a terrain will be available early next year

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No Gestapo HQ's, nor indeed Nazi parades, but there is a half finished Amiens jail that's been built. Lacked textures and 'blow upyness' but it's out there. Many moons ago, Pat Pattle was going to have a look at finishing it, and he did a grand job doing the gliders and bridge at the Orne river on D-Day. Thinking back I did a video of the raid for Youtube, but early on and I forgot to put snow on the ground.

So Operation Jericho is credibly possible, but the Gestapo raids I don't know. Operation Carthage might be on the map, Copenhagen?, but that's a very sad mission to recreate. Lots of kids killed when a Mosquito crashed clipping a lamp post, and the following planes bombed the smoke. They got the correct target too, but many kids were drowned in the basement of their school as the fire brigade put out the fires.

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In the past few days, I've been digging out Wiki articles about the Mosquito raids on Oslo, Copenhagen, and others. If I were to fly such a mission, would IL-2 '46 be the Sim of choice?

Yes that's a good choize ,  there is already a mission like that (bomb the gestapo Aarhus hq), i dont remeber were i downloaded it though ...

I've flown this very mission using mosquitos many times in IL2'46 . It is very challenging ...

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Yes that's a good choize ,  there is already a mission like that (bomb the gestapo Aarhus hq), i dont remeber were i downloaded it though ...

I've flown this very mission using mosquitos many times in IL2'46 . It is very challenging ...

Sounds like we're getting closer. I figured the maps would be a sticking point, but that perhaps I could get there in FSX (which I've had but never got into) and use a map/terrain of modern Oslo. 'Don't know if FSX has a Mosquito, or if I could import one. I don't really need a bomb load, exploding buildings, fighter interception, etc. I just want to see what it would look like tear-assing down the main street at roof-top level (or slightly less) and see if I can stay clear of roofs, lamp posts, electrical lines, etc. First things first. Then bombs.

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 Copenhagen?, but that's a very sad mission to recreate...

The Oslo mission had its set-backs too. Four planes, carrying 500 lb. bombs with an 11 sec, delay, attacked the Victoria Terrasse building. According to the Wikipedia article, four bombs landed on target. One failed to explode and the other three continued on, punched out through the back wall, and exploded outside among civilian residences, killing about 80 people.


Still, the raid (the first of its  kind) was deemed a success and was announced on the BBC. This was the first time that the government acknowledged the existence of the Mosquito.

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You can do it in this:




Just had a look at the manual and it DOES include Operation Carthage, the Olso Gestapo HQ raid, as well as the raid on Amiens prison and other historical Mossie missions. The bland CFS2 scenery doesn't help but it can be fun and the Mossie sounds great, as did the Just Flight Lancaster.


Just re-flew it, was stricken by the odd bug that my rockets disappeared after a 'warp' to the target area:




Edit: ..and I see you can clobber Amiens prison in this IL-2 mini-campaign:




Nicer Mossie too, tho she burns just as easily:


16.11.2013 17-03-49.jpg

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This is just getting better and better. Thanks guys.


OK, back again. Checked out the 'Just  Flight' link. 'Everything a Mossie junkie could ask for: Carthage, Jericho, Amiens...plus the opportunity to raise hell all over northern Europe. Thanks, 33LIMA. If we meet in the BOC Mess, I owe you. Big time.

Edited by Hauksbee

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This may be the one Knug was referring to:




and I should have mentioned this CFS3 add-on, tho I haven't got it installed at the moment and I don't recall if the 40-odd single missions that come with it include particular historical Mossie operations. Maybe worth it if you can get it cheap:



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$46.89. A bit dear. I'll keep these guys bookmarked, but I think the "Just Flight" is spot on. Thanks again.

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Back again. Went on YouTube looking for flight sim footage of Mosquitos. Found some, but also found this archival footage overview.




The most interesting snippet of information was, that the Mosquito was so fast, so difficult to get a firing angle on, that if a German pilot shot one down, he was credited with two kills. Anyone know if this is true?

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Back again. Went on YouTube looking for flight sim footage of Mosquitos. Found some, but also found this archival footage overview.




The most interesting snippet of information was, that the Mosquito was so fast, so difficult to get a firing angle on, that if a German pilot shot one down, he was credited with two kills. Anyone know if this is true?


I've also read that Luftwaffe pilots who shot down a 4-motor bomber were likewise credited with extra kills but I think that is untrue. I believe the origins of these reports MAY be a misinterpretation of actual or supposed rules for determining eligibility for decorations, which likely took some account of kill tallies (as in the WW1 'blue Max') and where a 'viermot' or a Mossie may have got extra credit. they did form a couple of units (Jagdgruppen 50 and 51, IIRC) specially to counter daylight Mosquito raids but they weren't successful and didn't last long.

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...they did form a couple of units (Jagdgruppen 50 and 51, IIRC) specially to counter daylight Mosquito raids but they weren't successful and didn't last long.

A few evenings back, I was on YouTube (again) checking out dogfight vids and found a good 5-part program of the evolution of the German Night Fighter and the radar war over the Reich. The narrator points out that the two-engine fighter, like the WWI British Battle Cruiser, was an essentially flawed idea that never worked out in practice, tho' I'd read that the P-38 Lightning was the sole exception. Turns out, on the day the Mosquito was debuted to the Air Ministry, it beat a Spitfire by 20 mph. I can see why intercept squadrons had trouble catching them.

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In terms of reality, the bombed prison building at Amiens in Operation Jericho was repaired and is still standing, and you can see it on Google Earth. Many moons ago I could have given you the coordinates. Its more urban round about, with more buildings, but clearly recogniseable.


There were other missions too. 2TAF also bombed a barracks near Poitiers. I'd need to research the details and names, (Bon Mateurs??) , but they were targetting the barracks of the German troops who had tortured and beaten to death SAS troops in the weeks running up to D-Day.

Edited by Flyby PC

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