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Rework of SkateZillas AWACs Filtered Voice

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this is an updated version of the awacs voice made by SkateZilla


While i like his version more than the original one i tweaked the files to somewhat more less digital with more distortion.


If you want to try them out get them at:




From SkateZillas original ReadMe:


Extract the Contents to a Temp Folder, (Should Be 319 WAVs, on TXT)

Copy WAVs to:

<X:>\Users\<Username>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic\Speech\

<X:> = Drive Letter you installed Windows On.
<Username> = The Username You log into windows with.

The Voice for the AWACS has NOT been replaced, the Original Voice files were edited and filtered to resemble radio transmissions for better immersation / realism. 

Original Voice Files Belong to Thirdwire.

Enjoy, SkateZilla


If you like them and if SkateZilla agree i will upload it here if someone allows it,lol

Feel free to comment!


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A little feedback would be nice.


btw: there are only 35 dl left. The max number is limited to 50 dl.

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Hi - Any mods in this area are most welcome.


I don't have access to SF2NA to test them at the moment - if you want more downloads for trials you can attach the file directly to this post via edit

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Hm, it seems that i can attach file with 1MB file size max.

But the mod is about 13+ MB.

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Even if the mod didn't get much attention yet could you please tell me how i can i upload files to the download section here?




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go to the downloads, select the appropriate category, find the "Upload New File" (top right), and follow the on-screen instructions. Pretty simple, really.


Don't forget a screenshot ( it can be anything, really)


and most important:


A DETAILED readme, outlining the step-by-step installation procedures.

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Ok thx. Wonder why i havn't seen the upload button before...

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Aehm, i'm a bit confused. Using my iPad i see the upload button. Using IE on the PC i see: you have no permissions to upload files





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you may not have enough posts to activate the upload software.

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Rends, You have to be all the way into the subfile you are uploading to. or you get that message .

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yes, as Raven said... follow the pathway tree


Downloads --> SF2 --> sound mods --> in game speech --> ???


you need to be at the root directory of each section

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