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Avangate (if I spelled that right) seems to be having a difficult time processing my Bank of America issued debit card ergo

WOFF is not en route.


I know others had some difficulty with their cards - was this an easy fix?

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I paid using PayPal USA which is linked to my South African Credit card.  My PayPal account has no money in it.  And I only had to give my credit card details once over a secure line. 

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Though I didn't have any money on my PayPal account, I could pay via PP;

they booked it off my bank account.

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Duke, refer to my "no...NO...NOOOOOO" thread again. Your debit card is probably like mine and is blocked from international use by the company that issued it, not even necessarily your bank. I was told by my bank that I couldn't even authorize a one-time use, it's strictly verboten. I re-activated a long-neglected PayPal account, added PayPal to my bill-pay list, plopped $100.00 in it monday ($72.99 for WOFF w/DVD and 27.01 left over for the skin pack), the money showed up yesterday (wednesday), ordered it and recently finished downloading it to an external HD here a work.


Now all I need to do is install my new PSU and hope that's all that was keeping my PC from booting up.


Good luck with your endeavors, sir.

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I remember the thread and I contacted the bank. They state it was "probably" blocked because it was an overseas purchase but they would authorize this one well...hours later...still nothing so I sent an e-mail yo Avangate and and will try my bank again. I didn't have any problems ordering OfF back in the day

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Just talked to the bank. They claim that Avangate is not presenting them with anything TOO decline so they say it can't be them.


Guess we will wait for Avangate to respond before I try another plan.

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Nor did I, Duke. Not sure why, but now it seems to be an issue. The only thing I can suggest is that it's a restriction that's been added due to other occurences. The hangup seems not to be with the bank or Avangate, but with the people who issue the card (MasterCard/VISA/Discover/etc. ??). My bank said that they had asked about one-time autorization and were told an unequivocal "no". I'm guessing Avangate can't help you unless they have an alternate site in the USA.

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AVANGATE is an international company as far as I can see.




All such problems have only arisen AFTER the last financial crashes.

The banker-type people mistrust each other, it seems - and they will know why...

Edited by Olham

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The banker-type people mistrust each other, it seems - and they will know why...


It's as I've long said, Olham, an honest person believes others to be honest (until proven wrong once too often, at least) but a dishonest person expects others to be as dishonest as he is.

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Well I got a "take two aspirin and call me in the morning" response from Avangate and, to rub salt in my wound, they sent another e-mail asking me to rate their customer service!


Guess I'd better see about. Pay Pal Account

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Well, PayPal was certainly quick and easy...took about 3 minutes...makes me regret wasting all that time with the bank and Avangate today!


Think I will save the 4 GB d/l for the skin pack being released soon - dunno how long d/l'ing both on my poor satellite connection would take.


Just got to wait for the WOFF DVD now...

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Congrats, Duke! I'll still use my debit card as a primary means. But I'm not letting my PayPal account get too far away any more, either.

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I do not have some Money on my Paypal-Account, so I transferred the Money from my Bank off at AVANGATE. It was also charged. That was 7 Days ago and I'm still waiting for my Confirmation-Email, so I can finally download WOFF. Gradually, I get angry and my fancy to further wait is over. Today they will get a serious Phone Call from me.

I'll probably have to do without WOFF until I have something left to supplement my Paypal-Account.


Then I fly just a few weeks with Phase 3 on.


Ridiculous all, I'm pissed genuine.

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Andy, do I get that right - you have a PayPal account, but you had no money on it,

and so you didn't use PayPal?

PayPal is exactly there for such transfers.

You can pay anyone via PayPal even without money on your PP account.

PayPal will then take that money from your bank account.

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Andy, do I get that right - you have a PayPal account, but you had no money on it,

and so you didn't use PayPal?

PayPal is exactly there for such transfers.

You can pay anyone via PayPal even without money on your PP account.

PayPal will then take that money from your bank account.


Or, as in my case, my credit card account with the bank.  I like PayPal because it doesn't mean I have to transmit my credit card no.  I did that once only on registration over a secure line.  If a US company (or Chinese for that matter) doesn't support PayPal I don't buy from them.  Most do. 

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That's all true, but you have to have your bank account linked to PP and, if I read their info correctly, there's a 3-5 business day delay in completing the transaction, which might be part of what is delaying some people. I stay on top of my account and fortunately my bank, or issuing company, or whatever does, too. I made several online purchases a couple weeks ago and even though their total was nowhere near my limit I received a phone call the next day stating that there had been unusual activity on my account and they wanted to confirm it all by payee and amount. In these days of fraud, hacking and ID theft, it gave me a real warm-fuzzy to see that these folks were on guard for me.

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Oh yea...this little episode made me. PayPal fan.


I literally jhad my PP account up and Avangate received payment in about 5 minutes.

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The whole transaction - using PayPal to pay Avangate - getting confirmation from Avangate - getting my download info from WOFF and starting the download took only a few minutes.  Pity my download took nearly 3 days !

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Problem solved :beach:


Downloaded WOFF and tried it for the first time this Morning. Very interesting! Some Things are completely different as in Phase 3, so I have to sneak around this whole new Stuff and see what will happen next... :biggrin:

Edited by Andy73

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Pity my download took nearly 3 days !


Flying a 'Quirk', eyh? Mmuahahahaaa!!!

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Flying a 'Quirk', eyh? Mmuahahahaaa!!!


Well I reckon if I can stay alive in a Quirk I deserve the VC.  But I still need to know how to aim the gun as an observer to knock down a DIII or two.  Anybody know? 

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