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ok thanks for the tips

look if very good drawings for most if not all Me-109 versions if any needs then just give me call today swap my old crappy drawing i was to leasy to replace it before the new better one.

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Thanks also.

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new oil cooler i can at this point stil go back to the older oil cooler so if there any problem tell now please

i will stop work on this for two three days to ear from you guys





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About the oil cooler, the bottom one (older) is a much better shape. Just a little deep for a 109F but a better shape.


Couple of other suggestions:


- move the wings down slightly, so that their undersurface is flush or level with the lower fuselage;


- from the front, the canopy should be angular, not rounded (the only rounded area is the top section of glass in the little piece behind the section that opens);


- move the tailplane/horizontal stabiliser and elevators down - they are much too high -  and  further forward;


- make the propeller spinner a bit less bulbous/a bit more streamlined;


- flatten the exhaust stubs - make them more rectangular in cross section, less round;


- reduce the width of the cowling MG troughs;


- make sure the sides of the rudder are flat - there seems to be a 'fold' in your rudder following the line of the upper fuselage backwards (the Bf109 rudder is slightly triangular, looked at from ahead or astern, but its sides are flat);


- hard to be sure, but in the top view, the rear fuselage looks too long, out of proportion to the nose; check against drawings and maybe make the nose a little longer or the rear fuselage a little shorter;


 - and yes as ndicki said, smooth out the upper rear fuselage (and the lower, though it needs less) to hide the visible 'kinks'.

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Deep means it extends down too far. Actually, I'm not sure that is actually the problem - I wonder if the cross-section of the lower cowling is accurate. It looks too oval, whereas it is wider and flatter on the bottom. Bear in mind that the DB601 is an inverted Vee engine... 

That said, I'm with 33LIMA on the other points. The tailfin also needs to be smoothed into the upper fuselage forward of the rudder, instead of having a visible 'step' - if yoy do this, the rudder will automatically take the right shape. Let me try and take a few photos...

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Does this help? Bear in mind it's a G-5, not an F-2 or F-4, so some details are incorrect. I've marked the important ones on the photos.

Incidentally, if you look at the third photo, you can see the very angular, straight shape of the canopy, as mentioned. 

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its helps i i found a better view whit the seccions so thte fuselage and wings beacouse in this case it better to extrude the wings out  his going on a full rebluid on the gear and some outher small will survive more realy soon!

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