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CombatACE UFO Awareness Month

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Well there's a report I just ran across where people were seeing some UFOs


Naturally no pilot wanted to risk his lively hood and license by saying he saw a UFO so what people saw was probably arcing power lines or something


Here's the story


This story reminds me that its ...


CombatACE UFO Awareness Month


That's right folks we here at CombatACE care about your safety when it comes to aliens ... not the ones from Canada or Mexico but the ones that come from the eighth planet from the Zuygo System.


To Start off here is the Official United States Air Force Aircraft Recognition Guide study it so you know how to properly ID Flying Objects.






Now that you know how to properly ID a number of flying objects you need to learn about protecting yourself from alien telepathic attacks. These attacks are just as bad as someone stealing your identity because sometimes they can steal your soul and your body! So to protect yourself you'll need to wear a tin foil hat because foil hats can block alien telepathic attacks and they can be used by everyone!


Like this guy see hes protected ... looking good there strange old man.




This guy ... I'm not sure if he has much to loose but he's safe too yeah thumbs up!



Tin foil also works on your pets too!






Okay that you know how to protect yourself from alien telepathic attacks lets talks about what to do in case of being abducted by aliens. 

Now there is a difference between a street light and a Type X31F-Alpha 7 mulitphasic abduction beam.



Here's a street light see there its on a pole and what not.





Now here's the alien abduction beam. Notice there a lights from the ship surrounding the light beam.



If you're not sure if under a street light or alien abduction beam light. Wait a few seconds if your feet aren't leaving the ground chances are its a street light.



If you do get abducted remember this one simple thing.














You're Fucked.












Always have a deck of cards, some beer, about a thousand bucks or something shiny and get ready to play a game of poker! Aliens love poker. Hell that's how I bought the planet Zal (nice vacation spot by the way) but I won that in black jack (I ain't too good at poker ... thank God I bet N. Korea)


But yeah aliens love to gamble if you're not ready to gamble then you might get anally probed... so deck of cards or probe in ass your choice.


That's all for today's alien awareness post. Keep your eyes on the sky and a deck of cards in your pocket.



By the way I have Ocean front property in Idaho for sale and the Brooklyn Bridge let me know if you're wanting to buy either of those and Dave will shoot your ass and make it one less idiot in the world ... I meant Dave will uh .... send you the details... in a brass .45 cal device that will have all the information you need.

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Now where is my foil hat??? Oh wait, Im getting a signal now....................................................................xyesmaster.gif.pagespeed.ic.khjVtR-dkx.p

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No, Mulder!! Get off that runway and away from that ship!!

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As one of the few people on this forum who has flown the white 737 into Area 51 and been around the base, I would like to join with the official line that there is nothing extra-terrestrial on the airpatch. Creative minds need a bit of leeway, but this whole thing has gone a bit too far.

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I was soooo annoyed when I read that story so I posted it and decided to have some fun. I'm glad many of you have enjoyed it. I enjoyed writing it because it me flex my creative sci fi writer muscles.

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As one of the few people on this forum who has flown the white 737 into Area 51 and been around the base, I would like to join with the official line that there is nothing extra-terrestrial on the airpatch. Creative minds need a bit of leeway, but this whole thing has gone a bit too far.



It always bugs me when people refuse to believe that humans are intelligent enough, even if it's just a handful, to come up with leaps forward in tech. No, no, it had to come from outer space, because humans are too dumb. Granted MANY are too dumb (such as the ones coming up with these theories) but not ALL are.

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