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Su-37 'Flounder A'

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In Janes USNF (1994), an enemy aircraft was the Su-37, but wasn't the tech demo fighter it actually was, but a ground attack aircraft with armour similar to the A-10.  Where could Janes have possibly got this completely false information for this game, especially considering they're one of the top names in military intelligence.

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I've found nothing about this plane. Probably something like MiG-37 Ferret  which has even a plastic scale model kit made...


Although we can call old sources erratic and stupid, but at that time no one could tell it better. I have the Naval Institute's Guide to Soviet Navy (5th edition from 1994 also)  it also has strange assumptions, erratic data and code names for now well known equipment.. The authors put in their best knowledge of contemporary information which of course may appear laughable today with the latest technical books in our hands which were released in Russia a decade or two AFTER the collapse of the USSR.

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military intelligence


As Tom Baker said, that's a contradiction in terms.


I saw this box as a squish in a Missip hobby shop. This was a NATO MiG-23.




There is another, real MiG-23, the Ye-8 which was to be the next MiG after -21, but it was cancelled and they hopped on board the swing wing thing. I'm guessing this one slipped past NATO.


NATO "Flipper" ~> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikoyan-Gurevich_Ye-152A (the two engine version)


First MiG-23 prototype Ye-8 ~> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikoyan-Gurevich_Ye-8


How many more MiG-23s out there?



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That MiG-23 looks more like the Chinese J-8II. A MiG-21-derived twin-engined fighter.


Anyway, the classified sources usually had better info than the public ones, so the gov'ts knew more than we ever could.


The Su-37 back then was probably just an unused designation next in line matched to a concept drawing. Or it could've been totally fictitious to give the red side a ground attack plane more modern than the Su-24 or 25.


One thing to note: do NOT give Jane's any undue credit or responsibility for what was in that game. It was made by EA/Origin and I think other than the name and free copies of their books, Jane's offered little else.

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A model kit fossil...   Hilarious)))))  Those times, when even the MiG-23 was a secret weapon.... 

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I remember from my childhood such things...  KP model kits from Chechslovakia... and bagged kits from USSR.. dirt cheap..  Now? Full extra kits cost a fortune... Plus EU customs tax.. I stopped ebaying them years ago ((  Model shops all got broke.. maybe one or two in the city or 2.5 million

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