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Can the random city buildings be edited?

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I just want to know if the big grey building can be either removed or shortend in heighth on the Germany terrain?

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The only thing you can do with them is to repaint. All excisting 3D models need to be remodel from scratch or you have the source files and you can rework them

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please define; the question makes no sense.


are you speaking of terrain object building or TOD object buildings??

pictures help a great deal

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screenshot (texture may be different from stock ones)


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TOD objects, these are 3rd party (aftermarket), either Stary's or Polaks old ones.


can't do nothing with 'em (except remove and revert to stock) -- they're built into the TODs. In fact, they ARE the TODs. With the actualy 3d objects, and the various tile's inis, they MAY be editable. However, they are all one pieces.

so, can't do nothing with 'em.

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Those are mine from Germany V4. Textures are modified though.


I have at home full texturelist and tiles-specific placement inis so it would be easy to edit or remove them. When back home (as in shorter than a week) I'll upload the said texturelist and all ini files here for anyone to fiddle with them.


Side nore regarding the thread title. These are NOT random buildings. Every single of these has been hand-placed on tiny tile preview in TE!

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and doing so, is a frakking nightmare!!! No wonder I need new glasses !!!! (LOL!!)

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The reason i want to have remove the skyscraper is that they are not very common in Germany.


The good thing is that the buildings are not randomly placed by the game engine. Means that if i place a ground object on a flat area it will look the same on all installs not mine only.

So thanks for doing the painfull work!

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Those are mine from Germany V4. Textures are modified though.


I have at home full texturelist and tiles-specific placement inis so it would be easy to edit or remove them. When back home (as in shorter than a week) I'll upload the said texturelist and all ini files here for anyone to fiddle with them.


Side nore regarding the thread title. These are NOT random buildings. Every single of these has been hand-placed on tiny tile preview in TE!


It would be cool if you upload the files. And if you can do it for me please lower the height of the buildings mentioned before or tell me how todo that.

I have created a new texture and want to add some buildings and trees.



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Sill awa from home, be patient please

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Sill awa from home, be patient please


Would it be possible to just change them to 100m?

That would be more common for the german cities.

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Thx to Stary i got the files to edit the germany terrain.

Did a test run in the Terrain editor.

I opened a city.bmp and removed the skyscrapers but havn't found out how to create a new tod file?

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EDIT: got it working.

Thx Stary!


Here is a quick test Berlin without Skyscrapers


Edited by Rends

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