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The Super Tucano maybe is a better COIN plane, but the At-6 Texan II is cheaper. That's why the US DoD offered the plane to several nations with Insurgency problems. In one of those nations the USAF deployed a small LAS squadron to help eradicating the guerrilla problem. Soon the Texan II is flying from small airstrips over jungles and mountains of Burma finding and hitting the enemy hard with his modern weapons.





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I did an Iraqi version (for the NEW IqAF) like 3 years ago. Was supposed to be in Op Darius, but was cut at the last minuite.


maybe I should see if I can find it, and upload it to the What if section. As in the modern Real World ™, IqAF is now FRIENDLY

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Flying this little plane made me remember why I like this games so much. Is not an F-22 so better plan your attacks cause If the targets are defended you're going to suffer... a lot!! Can't wait to fly a Super Tucano, wondering what we can use as a enemy similar plane?

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i think in Real Life its the Yak-130  i know any prop from the outher side so to say!

in what if land dunno maybe my Su-54?

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in what if land dunno maybe my Su-54?


This one??  :blink:  :blink:



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No not that one, original Su54 was a training AC proposal for Russian AF back in the 90's. Kind of scaled down su27 with single engine, didn't got far beyond drawings and concept study.

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Ah good! I can't imagine my little turboprop having to fight this stealth beast (that looks pretty cool I must say) with Stingers...


But the cocas Marmotini look like a nice adversary for a modern Hawk T.2

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