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adding terrain buildings and trees to a tile

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is there a tutorial out there about  editing a Terrain tile to add buildings and trees?

i created a new Terrain texture and added following entries to the GermanyCE_Data




It's just a rework of the original germanySC50A.tga.


But there are no trees or buildings on it.


BTW: For what does the Color entry stand for?

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Wrench made a mini tutorial about accurately placing buildings and such on a per tile basis when I posted a similar thread last year, however all of the images have since disappeared.

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copy/paste the GermanySC50A.tod into the terrain folder.

If one already exists, it'll rename or save itself as ****_copy.TOD. Then rename to match the new tile


no clue what color statement does

Edited by Wrench

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Guys i have a Problem.

everytime a bomb or rocket hit the ground (land or water) on the new tile the game chrashes


The new tiletexture seems to work nice. Water Looks like water all is fine so far until a bomb hit the ground or water.

I created a copy of the germanySC50A.tod file and renamed it germanySC50A2.tod the same as the new texture.

Maybe it has something todo that i filed an area which was land before with water?


The entry in the GermanyCE.data




Edited by Rends
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Btw: in the files Stary send me i found a hm file for the original germanySC50A.tga file.

Well i don't have one for the new germanySC50A2.tga and no idea what todo with a hm file.

Seems like it's telling the gameengine what's water and land.

I also havn't found out how to import the new tga file in the terrain editor.


I used the alternative Tfd editor before to import my new file and got it working ingame.

Edited by Rends

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No, hm files add extra displacement which is tile based, the engine knows where's water based onalpha channel check. As for crash I have no idea st the moment. To add tile to the terrain editor you can modify the texturelist in notepad or add it via options in Terrain Editor

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Anyone who can check this texturetile?

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Guess i solved it by changing the haswater entry from 1 to 2.

At least i saw impacts on the tile in 2 missions without game crash.

Just wonder what's the difference between those two entries?

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HasWater= determines engine check for water presence, HasWater=2 says whole tile is water (usually xxxS1.tga or xxxxS2.tga; depends on tileset anming convention) while HasWater=1 does extra check based on alpha channel (where white=water black=land)

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At least water2 works fine on the harbour.

I ran some test

Bmp24bit water1 = wateranimation over the whole tile ,no crash

Tga24bit water1 = wateranimation over the whole tile, no crash

Tga32bit water1 = wateranimation on alpha layer but crashed

Tga32bit water2 = wateranimation on alpha layer no crash


I also noticed that half of the river tiles use water1 and the other half water2

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