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F-16CM Block 50 Have Glass II/V RCS reducing paint ‘BaseRCSModifier’ value?

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I was thinking that since Dave has released a set of viper skins in the new Have Glass II (or V depending on what forum you read) RCS reducing paint that we could probable have a separate F-16CM Block 50 aircraft with the skins and a corresponding BaseRCSModifier vale to represent the effect of the paint. Information on the paint is very thin as you can imagine so does anyone here have any thoughts on what BaseRCSModifier value might fit? Without any better information I was going to use the Super Hornet’s BaseRCSModifier value of 0.9?



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0.9 would be greater than the RL value for a normal F-16.   1.0 would be an F-15A, 0.77 for an Su-27, etc.

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I would say guesstimate and set it relative to other objects.


is the value simply just for the clean airframe? - guessing pylons and stores are not considered.


The Shornet makes use of some planform alignment form a frontal aspect - although what that really affects...................

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0.9 would be greater than the RL value for a normal F-16.   1.0 would be an F-15A, 0.77 for an Su-27, etc.

I see your point and checked the stock F-16A Netz data.ini file and it has a BaseRCSModifier value of 0.2 so going by that every add on viper needs it added to its data.ini!

Edited by dtmdragon

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That being said I'm thinking  0.1 for the Have Glass painted aircraft? Or would half the RCS from just a 'special' paint job be to high?

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I have already been through this. For the life of me the paint job in my opinion will not make the RCS go down very much. If  the PAVE GLASS is not immaculately maintained then it does virtually nothing. You can already google images of this paint damn near falling off and being nearly useless. I would not even waste your time on it.

To me it looks like the "good idea" bus stopped at a couple of bases then the maintainers either where too lazy (more than likely) or ran out of money to keep it effective. Funny no Wild Weasels at Misawa have been seen with PAVE GLASS paint so go figure.

Edited by CrazyhorseB34
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