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July 1984


USS America is at the mediterranean sea performing  naval exercises with french, british and spanish units. Suddenly, during the exercises. the Soviet union attacks Germany starting world war III.


NATO command, then, orders to the this ally group to search and destroy any soviet ship in the region.......




















That's why I had started this other topic:





Hope you like it.   





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A good idea !

What about the italian ?

Edited by jeanba

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A good idea !

What about the italian ?

They did not have the Garibaldi ready by that time. It is a pity......May be add some destroyers and some helicopters....

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Just make sure you balance the Naval Forces on both sides. It is never fun to add a ton of assets just to find out that it becomes a cub stomping campaign that ends after a few missions.

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Who will be the enemies? Lybian Air Force plus Soviet Navy units?

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They did not have the Garibaldi ready by that time. It is a pity......May be add some destroyers and some helicopters....

They had Sicily (to quote Mussolini)

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Just make sure you balance the Naval Forces on both sides. It is never fun to add a ton of assets just to find out that it becomes a cub stomping campaign that ends after a few missions.


As I have now the campaign ends in just a mission... but I don't want to make a long campaign...



Who will be the enemies? Lybian Air Force plus Soviet Navy units?




Good Idea for a new Campaign MOD ... will coming soon ?

As soon as possible It is a short and easy campaign I promise you that I'll try to have it for this week end.

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Italy is back:












The Italian navy Sea King skin was made by me. And the fourth pic shows the "Vittorio Venetto" cruiser.... It is a Fearless class landing ship repainted... it is the closest thing we have avaible.... And I've also added as you can see soviet subs and the Italian destroyers "Impavido" and "Intrepido".


If nothing comes to my mind during the newxt 2 or 3 days I will upload it. For sure If you have any suggestion please tell me.



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Good work ... I'm sad about the USN carriers , noone have make new detailed model of class Forrestal , Saratoga, Ranger and Indy.

Most Important think in Mediterrean Fleet in '80 more often there's USS Kennedy.

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Good work ... I'm sad about the USN carriers , noone have make new detailed model of class Forrestal , Saratoga, Ranger and Indy.

Most Important think in Mediterrean Fleet in '80 more often there's USS Kennedy.

In 1984 it was the USS America the carrier at that region. And for the Kitty Hawk class we have good models. The Stock one for example.

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I will share later some info on the Matador, standard loadout is a little bit different than what they carried in RL

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Flawless. As a side note, Zuni´s were quite a popular antiship weapon. I would use them for both AntiShip missions and Naval SEAD, while cluster bombs could do the same job, Zuni´s are quoted as a favoured weapon for Matador Harriers. Unfortunately, we don´t have a Harrier cockpit matching that source description (particularly the Marconi  RWRs).

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Well ... about carrier pack is almost ready the models by YAP set.

But they aure going to upload them here? Or if you want them you must pay for them?

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