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Second Controller setup on SF2 merged help pls

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Hi, I have setup a complete flight panel for flaps, gear, lights etc, like the bought Siatek one but all home made using a old Thrustmaster? speedlink  black widow flight stick which had superb vibration..


I bought an X52 pro which is setup and working fine, also all the controls, ( the guts/electronics) from the black widow are working to, All except the Force feedback!.

I have read all the forums, checked my .ini reads Force feedback = 1. etc but still no FFB?


It works perfectly in my DBW IL2 stormovik (only needing removal of a machine gun file in its "Feedback" folder bizarrely) Ive spent hours reading suggestions and solutions but I cant get FFB working in SF2 merged at all and the poor menu in this game is no help at all?


Please anyone who has a similar experience please share.

Just to clarify, I have an X52 as my main joystick for general flight, and a speedlink Black widow with FFB set up now as a flight panel, all of which works EXCEPT the FFB.


My game version= SF2,SF2V,SF"E,SF,I EXP1,EXP2, SFNA, plus community mod.


all on i7 intel


2x NVidia 60's (I know, will be upgrading but no lag at all in NA on Full)

Asus P8 Z77VLX

win 7

X52 pro

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Moved to the correct Forum


watch WHERE you post .. the original was in the forum for problems with the SITE -- CombatAce itself.


For specific game problems, you must post in the correct forum


now, with luck, someone will SEE and answer your questions!

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UH Sorry first time posting I thought it was for tech problems apologise.

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Er just searched for an hour, where is the correct forum you did not say?

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couldn't be more obvious ... this one

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Thanks Spinner, I hope this is not the normal "Level" of " Help"3 replies so far not one letter of advice

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Thanks Spinner, I hope this is not the normal "Level" of " Help"3 replies so far not one letter of advice

Hey Ace......Welcome to Combat Ace, I think the lack of responses to your issue is mostly related to a lack of understanding exactly what the problem is??....If you are gonna find a fix for whatever your problem is with SF2, then THIS is the the place to find it.

I am curious to understand a little bit better what exactly you are using this second controller for......if you are using your X-52 for flight controls then I assume you have cannibalized the Thrustmaster to use it for buttons?......so where exactly is the FFB?.....if not part of your primary controller.   (perhaps a picture of your set-up?)

And force feedback does work in SF2.....

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Hi Romflyer, the FFB motor now sits on top of my home made  rudder pedals which is very effective, I plan to splice into the FFB motor wires and run 2 more motors, one to the base of the x52 throttle and one to the stick, should be great.

This setup all works perfect in IL2, but I have no FFB in SF" or FE? hope you have the answer

Thanks again



<a href="http://s1097.photobucket.com/user/teddybear412/story/25509" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g354/teddybear412/story/25509/thumb/large.png" border="0" alt="teddybear412's Story"/></a>

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Well I don't have IL2 but I assume that the controllers for it are similar to that in FS, where if you can have multiple controllers plugged in and assigned to any axis so whichever controller is being moved is the one that the game recognizes......with SF2 you can only assign one controller to any axis, FFB effects are assigned to the primary controller (pitch, roll)  you have those assigned to your X52.....which means no FFB effects are getting sent to your Thrustmaster.

I'm pretty sure that why it's not working.....but that doesn't mean there isn't a way around it ?

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Hey Romflyer  :big_boss:  thanks, I think you may have something there with the FFB being assigned to the primary controller? However SF2's working AND recognising separately the Rudder (from the black widow flight stick) and everything else for that matter, they all show up in the control config panel in SF2NA and work, Its the FFB which needs a workaround, so if you have any ideas?


Ive been searching the web for 2 weeks trying to find a solution but as SF2 is so limited with its control? My FFB works perfect in IL" FSX X plane 10 , DCS etc etc just SF" and First eagles wont play and its a real shame as I really like the way the Voodoo is a bitch to fly and stall warning rumble would be superb and a genuine flying aid on that beast.

Hope you can come up with a solution? I downloaded and played around :baby:  with FEEdit a force feedback tool, as far as I can see it just changes the length and pulse of a "Rumble" I was hoping it would have a facility to increase the power of the rumble and/or have the workaround I need?


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I still don't have any FFB :angry:  so I  repeat question  above :angel:  Anyone Please :blind:

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  ace, do you have a FlightEngine.ini in your Flight folder? If so, make sure it has this section:



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Hey supgen, Thanks, er NO there no ini's at all in my "flight folder" ? loads of files but ni .ini's

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  ace, I'm not sure if this'll work but, stick this in your flight folder:



(If you don't have a Flight folder, just create one).


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SupGen! :big_boss: You evil Genius! :angel: It Works! THANK YOU very much!!!clapping.gif.pagespeed.ce.letqCZTOMd.gif


Don't know why there was no ini's in the flight folder? Im referring to the flight folder in SF2NA which is where I have all my mods? :doh:

I will study the ini too to try to learn a bit more and keep the file you kindly sent , forever thank you.


Now I want to try to get it to rumble as bit sooner to warn of a stall etc , like the F-101 VooDoo :crazy: is a bitch for that which makes it great fun as the flight model in SF2 is a bit lame compared to say IL2?


MANY MANY Thanks Again! :dance2:

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  ace, glad I could be of assistance. Usually, an empty (or non-existant) folder indicates that the game is using the stock .inis in the .cat files in the core install. A (for instance) FLIGHTENGINE.ini in the Flight folder in your Mod folder in SavedGames will override the one in the .cat file. At first I thought you must have one that lacked the ForceFeedback segment I posted above. Then I looked again at the ForceFeedback statement and remembered that you said you had the ForceFeedback motor mounted on your rudder pedals which, obviously, control YAW, (here comes the DOH! moment) so in the FLIGHTENGINE.ini I posted I simply changed ForceFeedbackControl=PITCH_CONTROL to read ForceFeedbackControl=YAW_CONTROL and, voila! Really, not knowing how you stuff wired up, I wasn't sure it would work but I'm glad it did. Again, glad I could help!

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SupGen :big_boss: , Man that's some going figuring my setup from that distance, However the wiring hasn't changed essentially from the standard Black widow flight stick/yoke? When I said the FFB was setup on the rudder pedals , I literally mean they are sitting on top of the pedals (see pics above on the link)


So as far as I am aware they should still be activated in the pitch mode (when detecting a stall?) but in no way to contradict you as your diagnosis obviously worked like a charm, your answer is intriguing, and has made me take another look at the wiring set up I now have?

It is entirely possible I may have crossed a wire? or the windows "Device manager" :assassin:  took a short cut or is/was confused by the fact I have a Saitek X52 pro now as my main etc?


Whatever the issue, I will be eternally grateful to you. I plan to add 2 more FFB motors by attaching them to the existing FFB Motor wires, hopefully there won't be any voltage drop issues or explosions?, but will be really good to have both the throttle and stick and feet vibrate.

I,ll keep you posted on that one, next I will try to get FFB into First Eagles I just download using your fix?


Cheers :air_kiss:

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Hey Ace.....I'm glad to hear that you got it figured (I told ya some here would have the answer  :biggrin:   )

your answer is intriguing, and has made me take another look at the wiring set up I now have?
It is entirely possible I may have crossed a wire? or the windows "Device manager" :assassin:  took a short cut or is/was confused by the fact I have a Saitek X52 pro now as my main etc?

I am pretty sure you dont have anything crossed in your wiring...... (I think ) that what Supgen's ini edit did was tell the game to send the FFB impulses to the yaw axis instead of sending them to the pitch axis, that way the info went to your TM instead of your X-52.
The perfect solution!! :clapping:

Edited by Romflyer

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