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Refresh my memory again as to what causes a loading crash at 30%?


I was having issues already with the 100% crash due to a faulty ground object, which I was trying to get to the bottom of. Initially I renamed my "GroundObject" folder and the game was working perfectly. Anyway; I was working on nailing down the offending groundobject when all of a sudden the game just stops dead in its tracks at 30%, leaving me to exit via the Task Manager.

I never touched any of the terrain INI files so I'm effectively at a loss as to what it is exactly I've done :dunno:

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hmm, i have crashes on the runway after a few seconds with my ww2 europe install and korea installs but not my pacific ww2. havent nailed that either. what was the groundobject file you discovered?

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Just had one now. Task Manager showed an open folder 'running' - not too sure if that's the cause though. Were we all using Desert V4?

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Have a look at your event viewer, it should point you in the right direction, sorry I can't be more specific but I'm on my tablet at the moment.

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Actually I've tried loading a single mission in the last 20 minutes and it seems to be loading (well; past 30% anyway).


dsawan:  I've been trying to nail down the offending groundobject file. If I knew which one, I'd be a lot more able to fix it.


Spinners:  not sure if it's Desert 4 that's causing the problem. It only seems to be during a certain time period that this problem was occurring (early 70s onwards). I renamed my own groundobject folder and the problem disappeared, so I'm deducing that it has to be something from that folder. I had a similar problem with an offending object before which was occurring during the 80s (a Rapier launcher I think it was). I replaced the object with one from a d/l pack and the problem seemed to go away.


Sundowner:  Never thought of using the event viewer, but it's telling me the same thing as the Task Manager, in this case it seems to be the SingleMission.DLL file. I was hoping it might go a bit more in depth by telling me which groundobject file is causing the problem, but I suppose I'll have to try and nail the problem by process of elimination.


This is what the Event Viewer is telling me:



And the game seems to be loading fully without these objects. Hopefully by gradually testing each one individually I might be able to sniff out the problem:


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Update:   I've spent the past couple of days testing out the above shown groundobjects individually in order to find the offending item. It looks like the only object that's been causing the crash is the SA-9 launcher vehicle. All the others are working fine in-game and causing no problems.

Strangely enough though, I replaced the object in question with the SA-9 vehicle from eburger's SF2 SAM Pack only to have the same problem. I'm starting to wonder is the 3D object itself flawed?


As regards concerns with Desert4, it seems that at least now I know that the terrain is definitely working fine.

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