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Blue, yellow, red messages

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I know that a blue messages means that is directed to another friendly squadron, yellow at someone else in your squadron, and red directly to you.


But I had NEVER read "You got a bandit at your six o'clock" (... or similar) in red, only always in yellow.

But somentimes it's followed by "It's firing" in red.

This makes me think that some "You got a bandit at your six o'clock" were obviously directed at me, even though they were in yellow.

Is it right ?

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Pretty sure this is correct. I think that message can be called out by any member of your flight, and be directed at any other member of your flight. I usually just use it as a kind of "heads up" to check my six.


Red messages always denote an enemy firing at you.

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.... I could call it a bug, because I don't see the reason why "Missile inbound" and "It's firing" direct to you are red, but "You got a bandit at your six o'clock" instead should be different.

.... If I were the director of Third Wire, I would do a patch to correct this.

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.... If I were the director of Third Wire, I would do a patch to correct this.

Sadly the director of TW is also the guy who does the patches, and he can't be arsed.

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Tower messages are also directed at you. And they are yellow. So you can't say that yellow messages are directed to someone else in general.

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 However, the best thing would be if, both tower and fellows, as probably is in real life, say your name before the message.

As, for ex. : << Cowboy 11, bandits, 2 right o'clock, 50 miles >>  << Cowboy 11, you got a bandit at your six o'clock >>  << Cowboy 11, missile inbound >>  etc. ...

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I'd rather say it's like that...


I can't remember if six o clock messages still work with no one else around.


Imminent threat to you, from God (as they happen, in single place planes, with no other friendly around, in the air or the ground).

Information to you or someone in your flight, from someone in your flight, red crown or the control tower.

Information about a friendly flight, from a friendly flight, red crown or the control tower.

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After tragic death of my wingman by friendly fire i know now that you get red messages too if you aehm hmmm shhot at the aehm ...

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