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Trying to reach Marcfighters....KC-10 project

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tried getting a hold of him on FB no reply yet. I am workin on skins for the KC-10 and if i had an OUT file for this bird could possibly ini dance the boom off and have a DC-10 as well. those that know me also know i prefer decalling my markings on and again i need to know what the meshname i'm putting it on is (even fuselage and 0.0,0.0 dont get an insignia to show).  YES i could add straight to skin, but thats not my usual modus operandi and i can get a slight bit more variety with tga.  anyone that could get ahold of him or has an out file for this handy (its in the ODS mod) your help would be greatly appreciatted.


some samples of the WIP, tho i also want to do KDC-10 and some DC-10s if i can get teh booms off


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I can be wrong, but I think it is set up as a gunner_station. Try the name "Gunner-R3". 

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hex editor not working?


open the lod in a hex editor, and search for the obvious names

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can ya name a good, easy to learn free one?


not to mention there is the whole permission bit.  would like to know if a release is ok BEFORE uploading. dont see his name on the freeware agreemnet ....

Edited by daddyairplanes

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XVI 32 is what I use.


since I made my post above, I've been looking 'into' the lod, trying to figure it out. Not one of the 'usual suspect' is showing up (boom, probe, refuel, etc)


animation-wise, it's definitely linked to the landing gear (it extends when the gear retracts), but doesn't help with removing it. At first I thought it might not be in English, but "left" and "wing" and "fuselage" all show up.

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thank for the software advice.  the rest is not encourging if one of the old heads is confused.....

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ok couple of questions as i use this for the first time...

1. is it supposed to look like a hieeroglyphic crossword puzzle? oh i am finding the names (Engine1 etc) as i scroll but wow...

2. how do you make an OUT.file from that? right now i'm just writing the actual words down as i scroll down...

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you can't make an OUT; that's only generated by MAX.


what the Search does, is give you mesh names, if said name are "known" (or guessed at)

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ok  got that. went backwards, from bottom to top.  there is a depressing amount of Line(s) and Cylinder(s) in there.........


more updates later.  gotta get dinner going (grumbles stupid RL...)

Edited by daddyairplanes

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without the OUT, it's one at at time

Even with the OUT, and they're named "oddly", you have to read it like a tree, with the expanding branches, and try to use some logic to see where the child meshes attach to the parent (in this case and most, fuselage)


Been there, done that.

Edited by Wrench

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tried removing in the data ini,   similar to antennea and what i did with Dels Hercs to get rid of the dispensers on the nose.  no joy there trying to eliminate  boomer and tailgun1 in the data.ini.   but it was useful in that i now know how to exactly match the meshnames up.  or the difference in capital F and lowercase f.....



the numbers wil be seriously big on this one, but now i can tie units into serials and have a variety like i want.  as for  DC-10, i'll keep tinkering.  and this will be released AI!!!!!!!!!!!  the beast bobs like a bipolar crackhead on a pogo stick if not on autopilot.


Edited by daddyairplanes

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The attached document lists all the objects in the KC-10 LOD. I marked which ones appear to be the boom.


Edit: 'Line03' and 'Line04' are the bulbs on the hull, where the boom starts.


Edited by gerwin

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Oh Gerwin you little programmer wizard-god  :biggrin:

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you sir.... are awesome.  thank you


mentioned lines remove the plumbing and control vanes.  boomer station and the bump where the plumbing came out of is still WIP.  going through all Linexx first as i don't think it is a cylinder or tire....

Edited by daddyairplanes

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consider this question SOLVED.



turned out to be Line03 and 04.  dont mind the skin, its a test one i've been using to figure out the mappin of the ONE tile skinning this beast.    Gents, we have a DC-10!

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SAAAAAAAAAAAA wwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee TTTTT


gerwin rulez

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Thank you was enough already.  :)

There is this trick of listing the meshes for old style LODs like this.

For newer LODs, made with a SF2 exporter, it is back to staring at the XVI 32 hex editor like wrench said....

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