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MigBuster .. can i ask you


this is in short terms i wanna do :


like on the screenie above.


i wanna put US Stations where the green dots are..


1.and later during the campaign i want that a russian aircraft carrier with yak 38's are going to patrol the yellow dot area..

what have i to do more besides editting VietnamSEA_water.bmp


i am not sure any more about that..


2. i now going to start my campaign 31 of april 1975 the day after US retreat

how can i convert the blue side airbases to red with out changing the whole map,

so later in the campaign they reclaiming some of the airbases and getting it operational.

<like if they reclaim a airbase you can use it to fly from if thats possible?

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i cant find these files.. i have been lookin in every mission cat file.. but no luck




and what can i do with this entry StartText=


StartText= <<<<<<<-----------------------------------

Edited by Gulfwarfighter

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what you seek could probably be in the menu cat, as those are menu screens

Edited by Wrench

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Gulfwarfighter - your best bet for acomplishing what you want is to start with the LBII campaign as a starting point. Using the North Atlantic campaigns is unessecary and making much more work for youself. Take your time and change one thing at a time. Look at other campaigns to get ideas for how things work. Don't worry about adding soviet carriers and menu screens until you have flyable aircraft showing up correctly.

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Gulfwarfighter - your best bet for acomplishing what you want is to start with the LBII campaign as a starting point. Using the North Atlantic campaigns is unessecary and making much more work for youself. Take your time and change one thing at a time. Look at other campaigns to get ideas for how things work. Don't worry about adding soviet carriers and menu screens until you have flyable aircraft showing up correctly.


thx for the heads up..


but i don't mind it takes more time my way.. i am used to editors in Arma2 much more typing of commands/triggers.

its still les time consuming for me than i make 1 mission for Arma 2.


my campaign starts where linebacker II ends..

first you fly the linebacker II style planes and missions

and slowly it transforms to new style vietnam..


the original linebacker II planes are slowly replaced by 4th generation by date when the different planes are introduced


like f-14 Introduction 22 September 1974.

in my campaign this plane will replacing the f-4's and they will be available between 22-30 september 1975/1976 untill the tomcats where replaced in 2006. but there will be 1 sqaudron available near the end of the American Vietnam war and so on .

thats all working now.


Nvietnam will get in the end/like they do right now.. have Mig-29 available

but have at the moment no proper skin so they fly with the white/grey Soviet skin.

Edited by Gulfwarfighter

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what you seek could probably be in the menu cat, as those are menu screens


thx yess thats what i am lookin for :good:


i got nice or well nice but great quality Nam war pictures

for different things like lose or win war


even got a nice campaign intro movie made..

but i am not sure if Strike fighters 2 can handle movies or what format it use.

if it use .bik its no problem i only have to convert it and if it can handle

what is a proper resolution for the different screens everybody uses

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damn i got it finisht and yesterday no problems but today i cant find my campaign any more

in the game it self..


not present

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I got it finally the Campaign working.


but somethings i don't understand.


there are AN-12 flying but i don't have selected them...


and 1 other thing... my date starts 09/10/2001

and end date is 12/31/2001


100 missions.




but campaign ends after 2 days..


and i got a bear tu-95 flying  at 09/11/2001

and end at 09/12/2001

flying with a nuke. 


but plane is not there but its selecteble in single mission editor.

look at picture.. missing bombbay door


;Tu-95 Bear
; Version 0.95/1 Thx Jug, Gepard and Capun :)
;AI only


Edited by Gulfwarfighter

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The Campaign engine will generate some things automatically like transport type aircraft and recon missions. Campaigns post 2012 might also generate AWACs and maritime recon - someone would need to comment on this though.



Most of this info on the parameters should still apply

Campaign Notes.pdf







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