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I was just screwing around and saw the QF-100D Drone as an aircraft in SFIsrael.

I thought, what the hell so I picked it as a single mission plane .4 of us took off from

an airbase and started down the road, on autopilot. I didn't have my stick or throttle

hooked up since I just wanted to see where this was going. We ran into 4 Mirages,

Israel marked and they attacked. We dodged every heat seeker but fell victim to

their guns.

I hooked up my flight stuff and tried again. I fired 4 sidewinders and downed 3

enemy planes. IN A FRIGGIN DRONE...

I figured I would be announced as the greatest drone fighter ever, but it was not

to be. :beach:

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I think it was just the skin on an F-100D. I've used that plane, and escorted them too.

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That you did what? A Hun against Mirages? Israeli Mirages? Are you that John Boyd?

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I had no idea who John Boyd is, so I looked him up.

Then figured I needed to read about this guy.

So I ordered the book: 

Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War 


Thanks for the tip...good.gif.pagespeed.ce.PoYRIVsMjL.gif

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As a lawyer, this is super interesting!!!

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