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This Is Annoying...Game Engine Woes...

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I want to limit a nation's appearance on a terrain to a specific time frame...can't figure out how to do that.


I want a bush war environment...the game spawns enemies and formations like a traditional, full-scale conflict.


Getting frustrating.

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you can't.


unfortunately, they're either 'on' or 'off' (actually, "allowed" or "not allowed"; same difference).


just like movement routes, they're active ALL the time


you can, however, use the LimitedNations=TRUE statement in the terrain's main ini, and then build a terrain specific Nations ini, but there no way to to have a nation turn on in a certain year.

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That's kinda what I figured.  Thanks, Kevin.



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Such language! :lol:

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It is possible. For example, with the IsraelME map.

- I created new nations called "Raf_Suez" and "France_Suez" in the nations ini.

- Then I selected some french and british planes from the Suez Campaign (like Mystere, RF-84, etc...)

- Added in their USERLIST.INI the following:



Availability= (It depends on each plane)




Finally, the French and British planes only appear in the year 1956 in the IsraelME map.

You can do this with the map you want.

Just an idea.

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that's rebuilding the GAME's nations ini, and messing with the userlists. Something not usually recommend for a 'general' install. For a stand alone, perhaps like in your case above, for 56 Suez war, it can work


He's asking about the terrain itself, which was answered. In P's case, you'd not only have to edit the nations, but ALL the GroundObjects that have the EXPORTED=TRUE tag, further narrowing what available for said specific terrain


and you know you can use the standard (US) format, to even further narrow it down the 'operational' window ... MM/DD/YYYY

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