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Any skins for the 3rd party A-4L?

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isn't FOTF closed? There's on active links anymore

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ok...looking at the SF2 A-4L mod I did (and Malibu linked to above)


one of the major issues is the use of the avionics hump, either as a 'weapon' or 'fake pilot', as they're painted for specific squadrons. I'd started a VC-2 skin, but couldn't figure out the hump -- you're get stuck with the VC-13 painted hump


In other words, use of the A-4C lod is the issue ... can't use the A-4F, as the nose and refueling probes are different, let alone the hardpoints



ok, the A-4E_67 has the hump, and the A-4F is mapped identically. So, using the templates I did, in theory, you could paint, or use a decal for the various squadrons


the only other issue, most likely fixed by data ini edits, is the outer hardpoints. You just don't use them on the loadout ini.


Give me a couple of weeks, and I might be able to come up with something usable. (hope my skills are up to it!!)

Edited by Wrench

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Thanks Wrench.


No worries if you don't have time for it.  I can always just grab TK's version if I really need more flexibility with skins.

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wait, what??? there's a DLC A-4L???


no shit!!!


wonder what squadrons he used...

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Try this out, Wrench.  It's a franken-plane combo of the A-4C_65, A-4E_67, and A-4F.



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You mention squadrons used Wrench, brings up a questoon...... do DLCs have individual squdronlist inis to add specific units for that plane, or are they universal? If he added units for the A-4L, gonna hafta readjust my ini (now upto 855 entries!)


Example of what i'm askin, patch aftrr the swedish birds and F-4EJ came out, swedish and japanese units popped up in the late 300 block of the squadronlist. I only have the Phantom skinpacks, Zipper AI pack and F-4N for DLC, so not as well versed in what the other DLCs have

Edited by daddyairplanes

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Speaking of squadronlist.ini, where can I get the most up to date version?  I think I have the version from your update of the F-4N installed right now...

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AFAIK, when a DLC is added, and it uses specific squadrons, the "patch path" rebuilds whatever inis are necessary.


Malibu, I'd already rebuilt the E_67 to the L, using the 'remove component trick' and other ini edits to delete the outer pylons. But after finding out there's a DLC A-4L, quit working on it.


figuring out the mapping for the various squadrons, in particular on the hump, would be a bugger. OTH, doing it like TK does, with decals, would be the next best alternative

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I'm with you Wrench.  Bashing together an F-8K and an A-4L were a couple of fun little 15 min projects, but I think I'm just going to spend the whopping $10 to add the TW A-4L, F-8K, and F-4N.


I do have a question, just for personal education.  Based on the way I put together that A-4L, it's just using stock A-4E_67 skins and decal placement.   So, assuming one is OK with the skins and markings representing A-4E's and not actual A-4L's, there shouldn't be any skinning/decal work to do, right?  The extra skinning decal work would come if you want the planes to have all the year/unit specific markings for the L.

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the mapping SHOULD be the same; the mesh names also as any A-4E (with hump)


extract a full base set of one skin (all 4 maps), and the decals ini. And maybe the squadron list ini; if one the Loadout screen (or the aircraft's main ini lists any squadrons).


I'd buy the A-4L, but I just don't feel like rebuilding all the WW2 installs --- cause all the 'core files' get updated whenever a patch or DLC is installed. It's not that hard; just rename the mods folders to hide them, delete the old exes and create new ones, run the games, delete the "new" mods folder -except the Options and Version inis. I'm just getting lazy

Edited by Wrench

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malibu, that one will work for you for now. it is current AFIAK for TW, and if you look closely, i left 150 space fillers between TKs squadrons and the ones Homefries and I added in.  but i've tested it out to 2999, so i have alot of room for growth.  new one will release in the near future as i'm adding abunch of TASS and SOS squadrons for a project i'm chipping in on.

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ok, so I went and spent the 3 buck and bought the DLC A-4L.

It's mapped 100% identical to the A-4F


below is the start of the VC-13 "Saints" skin ... just have to figure out the mesh names for the hump for the "SAINTS" decal (which I"ll have to make), and the mapping for the light blue paint job on it as well

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here's VC-2 "Falcons"


still have to exactly dial in the fuse stripe, but 98.6% there!


I also fixed the loadouts; they just weren't right. and the window opens, too.

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