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Upcoming Changes for Archipelago Terrain...

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Changelog for Archipelago v1.0b


- China & North Korea removed as enemy combatants

- India, Indian Navy, and Malaysia added as enemy combatants

- TargetArea names changed to reflect new enemy combatants

- Date range expanded to 1975

- 4 New SAM sites (which is probably three more SAM sites than what the Indian military would invested in an island chain this small)


The Indians and Malaysians replaced the Chinese and North Korean militaries because India had naval aviation in the 60s and 70s and China didn't and the geography made more sense.

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Changelog for Archipelago v1.0b


- 4 New SAM sites (which is probably three more SAM sites than what the Indian military would invested in an island chain this small)

Just add more oilrigs and it will be realistic !

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Pfunk any chances that the terrain will be compatible with Stary's Green Hell 3? And what about some roads linking cities?

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Some different airbases would be cool top. ;-)

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Bumpity bump.


Can I ask what SAMS will you add? Will we get the SA-2? Love those white smoke pillars rising from the ground.

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