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Battle of Britain modding faux-pas

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Can someone gimme a quick hand. I'm rebuilding a WOV build of BoB. I've followed the installation instructions exactly as outlined here:


...all planes are 'sploding as soon as loading is complete, making it unplayable-- in fact, it freezes all menu functions and yet the game continues as normal, so I can't even quit out, I have to jump back into the desktop and kill the program manually. Obviously I'm missing something here. Can anyone help me jog my memory to figure out what the issue might be?

Kind Regards

Edited by SayWhatt

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I seem to remember that was caused by having the wrong 'DesertAirfield_Data.ini's , Not real sure through?

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Reckon I'll check that out. I vaguely remember instantly exploding being an issue with other airfield installs in the past...

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using WoV for a basis of a 'stand alone' Is not the right game to choose. It's internal working (read: the dlls) and NOT conducive to what you're attempting.


Rather, I'd suggest WoE or at the least, SFP1. They have the proper coding.

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In a previous build, I originally used WOE, but I couldn't find the patches preceding 083006 and ran into a few issues I thought might be patch related, which is why I tried WOV this time around. Are the final patches for WOE/V/SFP1 all-in-one or do I need the previous patches from '06, et al?

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Quick and dirty solution


If you have no desert airfields, then try to use the airfields of WOV.


Open the file

Battle of Britain_targets.ini

with Notepad Editor.


press CTRL+H


look for




and replace it with




save the file


and try it again.


Could work.

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