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I'm working on templates for the DH Venom, hi-res 2048

I redrew the lines and added rivets... but can i make bump maps? If so, what files names should I use?

Do I go for SM_ ?



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Was the model originally equipped with, and/or setup to use bump maps? If not, then the answer is no. The model has to have bump-mapping associated with it from the onset in 3dMax, before its exported to LOD format.  One cannot simply add bump maps like they were skin textures.

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as Fubar said, bump mapping would be impossible on that, as the Lod dates from 2005

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you can fake it using painted layers of white and black highlights if you have the templates,I usually add any I make by sharpening a copied layer and adjusting it to simulate bumpmaps.

not exact but you get the idea...pic1 before...pic 2 after



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yeah... i use layers of inverted lines and rivets and shift by 1 pixel, and mess around with the transparency

it kinda works


almost done with the skins... just a few details and then test how the damn thing looks in game :-)

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