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Russia sends SU-25's to Iraq

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The news is few days old, but very significant. Since US is stalling the shipment of F-16 to Maliki's gvmnt, and thus sabotaging it in it's war against ISIS, Russia decided to send/sell 5-12 Su-25 to Baghdad. Russian pilots are flying those Frogfoots as well.



Edited by hrc

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So the planes are being sold to Iraq? And the people flying them are Russian pilots, sounds like Russia's getting into the  mercenary business. Or there up to the old Honchos' game again from Korea and Vietnam just not keeping it secret because they are helping a nation this time. On the other hand its about time Russia takes a stance for the good of this fledgling nation that needs help. The United States can't come to the rescue every time, even though we kind of finished up kind of half assed with a sh!tty exit strategy from our dictator.

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Sabotaging it in its war on ISIS? How about protecting technology from being handed over to ISIS. While there are good people still in the Iraqi military, many cut and ran when the shooting started and abandon their post, gear and fellow soldiers. That's who you are supporting?

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The US doesn't seem too concerned about protecting it's tech, considering Pakistan took shipments of brand spanking new Vipers and AIM-120C-5s only a few short years ago. You can guarantee detailed information about those and their systems including the P&W F-100s is now in Chinese hands, most likely via the ISI. That's a much bigger long term issue for the US, more so than if ISIS got their grubbies on some F-16s. ISIS doesn't have anyone capable of flying them, or maintaining them. They don't have the industrial base to reverse engineer them, and even if they did, it would take them decades at least, to create their own platforms. They can't even train anyone in any professional capacity in relation to the F-16s. The best they could hope for would be to sell it off to interested parties in Iran maybe, except that ISIS and the Iranians loathe each other. All the arms delay from Capitol Hill was, was political indecision and face-saving.

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All the good people in the Iraqi Army where the Sunnis who where disenfranchised by our stupid neo-con Bush administration under the idiotic guidance of the Iraq Provisional Authority director Paul Bremer when he in his own misguided wisdom chose to disband the real Iraqi Army. 


All the good Iraqi soldiers are now in ISIS......


Vote Republican is what I always say.

Protect 1990 vintage technology. Whatever.


Russian pilots fought on both sides of the Ethiopian Eritrean war. That is what they do.

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All the good Iraqi soldiers are now in ISIS......


Horse, do you follow Col. Pat Lang, here ~> http://turcopolier.typepad.com/sic_semper_tyrannis/


He talks alot about Saddam's old soldiers and officers, he knew them from the old days, and how they and ISIS are not meant to be together except for a very temporary alliance. Apparently, ISIS is now starting to round up these guys, but Pat's analysis is this will put ISIS at risk as, I take it, exposing themselves too quickly. Its a really interesting game of waiting for the right moment to strike first against a temporary partner, or so I gather.

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Sabotaging it in its war on ISIS? How about protecting technology from being handed over to ISIS. While there are good people still in the Iraqi military, many cut and ran when the shooting started and abandon their post, gear and fellow soldiers. That's who you are supporting?

As far as I am managing to understand the early rout of Iraqi army, Iraqi soldiers were told to withdraw and run away over and over again by their generals, something they couldn't understand themselves, cause ISIS is only 5000-10000 strong in Iraq. There are more and more indications that good number of those generals were bribed by Saudi intelligence, particularly by Abdul Rahman Faisal, who is said to own ISIS. And when one understands that Saudi royal family is the closest US ally in the region, and that several thousands of ISIS fighters were trained in Jordan by US, British and French in late 2012 initially against Assad, then one can speak of sabotage against Iraqi gvmnt.


If US wants to be serious in it's fight against terrorism and ISIS whom they say is worst and more powerful than AlQaida, then US should issue 24 hour ultimatum to degenerate Saudi royalty and say stop it,  stop funding jihadists or face isolation, freezing of assets and what not.  But since they won't do it, you get the picture. Turkey could bomb the s*#t out of ISIS if they want to, they are more than capable. How many times have the Turks bombed northern Iraq when they wanted to smash the PKK. Remember, ISIS in Syria has it's staging areas and logistical bases in south eastern Turkey.

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At least everyone would have a comfortable seat for their feet...

Edited by SayWhatt

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