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Costa Concordia sets sail for home

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An absolutely amazing piece of salvage work. And to my knowledge, no salvager was lost which is impressive considering the danger of the work. An interesting contrast...the excellent hard work to salvage this ship, and the hideously incompetent, absolutely shameful seamanship that started it all.

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I remember reading an article in Wired magazine about the salvage operation of the MV Cougar Ace.




Got a whole new appreciation for how dangerous large boat salvage ops can be. Glad to hear no one was killed during this salvage op.


Damn shame it had to be done at all.



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All those lives and money spent because the stupidity of one person.

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The ship infamous floating thing is expected to sail drift close to the Corsican coast, and the Corsicans are not happy at all about this. And you guess how Corsicans are when they are not happy about something. Demonstrations at sea are planned off the coast, let's hope there won't be one on the shore, with another irresponsible tourist captain at the helm: "Hey Luigi, there are lots of people on the shore, they say us hello! Let's get closer to the coast to say them hello too! Andiamo!"

Edited by Capitaine Vengeur

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Are there any plans to put her into traffic again?

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A Navy buddy of my dad was aboard with his recently widowed father. When they were on the hull, the 80 year old man told him to jump and leave him there, as he had used up his life already. Only guy i know who threw his old man overboard out of love, he would later appear on the news ranting about all the incompetence. And one of the 4 year old pupils of my mother was on the ship, she candidly told "We were lucky to get down at Rome, the captain was mad and sunk the boat later"

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And to my knowledge, no salvager was lost which is impressive considering the danger of the work.


Unfortunately that's not correct... as far as I know, a diver lost his life while working around the wreck.

I should have been near Genoa in the estimated day of arrival of the wreck, I wanted to go near the port just to see the wreck arrival, but I won't able to due to various reasons.

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You are correct Dysko. I hadn't heard of the loss. I found it in an article in the UK Daily Mail...




Its a shame another had to die for the incompetence of others. My apologies for the incorrect statement.

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