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So this is the b*stard responsible for pop ups!

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Doing my online rounds this evening and found this .... this little punk is the reason we have pop ups.... couldn't help but notice his last name.




In an essay for the Atlantic, Ethan Zuckerman, the director of the MIT Center for Civic Media, makes a stunning admission: “I wrote the code to launch the window and run an ad in it. I’m sorry. Our intentions were good.” Zuckerman details his time at Tripod.com, a startup that perpetually and wildly reinvented itself during the dotcom bubble until it found an approach—advertising—that got it funded and later acquired.

As Tripod and other companies floundered around looking for a way to monetize the Web, turning to advertising was a natural but not inevitable choice, Zuckerman argues. “I have come to believe that advertising is the original sin of the web,” he writes. “The fallen state of our Internet is a direct, if unintentional, consequence of choosing advertising as the default model to support online content and services.”

Zuckerman goes on to outline the problems he sees with an ad-based Web. Whether or not you end up agreeing with him, it’s useful to have someone do the leg work to organize a thesis and lay everything out. Online advertising is such a vast topic that most users would rather ignore it than grapple with it, even though they make privacy concessions and view targeted ads every day.

Zuckerman writes, “There is no single ‘right answer’ to the question of how we pay for the tool that lets us share knowledge, opinions, ideas, and photos of cute cats ... but 20 years in to the ad-supported web, we can see that our current model is bad, broken, and corrosive.”

Thanks to pop-up blockers pioneered by companies like Netscape, browsing the Web doesn’t produce the soul-crushing volume of windows it once did. And we probably all thought that we started to move on years ago. But the emotional scars are still there. Now that we have Zuckerman's apology, the real healing can start.


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I`d stick a pop up up the douches ass    sideways.


Some people like that kind of thing...


The pop-up ads I mean

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Sentence him to solitary with nothing to do but close continual popup ads. If he stops for even a moment, add another computer with the same issue. In a years time, he'll be surrounded by screens clogged with continual popups and the annoying little sound windows makes when another one comes up....


BWAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  hyper.gif.pagespeed.ce.FBmB7Mp3Td.gif 

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A friend of mine beta tested the technology. He said he wished he hadn't.




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