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Aircraft Carrier stations.

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Can some one kindly tell how you add aircraft carrier stations to a map and terrain. Thank you.

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actually, in SF2 it doesn't work that way any more. It's all done with the (name-of-terrain)_water.bmp where the "CV Zones" are painted on, and having the "NavalMap=TRUE" statement in the main ini

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Sorry, I was tinkering in my SF1 installs.  Forgot about the xxx_water.bmp and NavalMap=TRUE statements for SF2. blush2.gif.pagespeed.ce.FfsTJsX8hN.gif

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Now you can create a aircraft carrier battle group, something like this....



UnitName=Nimitz Task force group
Ship[01].Name=USS Carl Vinson
Ship[02].Name=USS Bunker Hill
Ship[03].Name=USS Lake Champlain
Ship[04].Name=USS McClusky
Ship[05].Name=USS Rentz
Ship[06].Name=USS Higgins
Ship[07].Name=USS John Paul Jones
Ship[08].Name=USS Spruance
Ship[09].Name=USS Kinkaid
Ship[10].Name=USS Elliot



Its more easy that add ten targets to the target.ini (i think)

Edited by Hans Topp

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Indeed! The 3w mission builder will create CVBGs. But the TERRAIN itself still need to be set up for it

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Thank you guys.  So to make sure I'm tracking this right.  Say I want to add carrier stations to the Solomon's terrain.  I add NavalMap=TRUE in the INI.  Got that.  Then I would have to make a Solomons _water.bmp with the carrier station painted on?  I know it's a small terrain but I want IJN carriers who's aircraft will fly from them for a Battle of the Eastern Solomons campaign I'm working on.

Edited by TheWarrior

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There ain't enough sea room to put them on that map. Historically, they'd be east of Santa Cruz Island. That places them either AT The Wall, or beyond it.


Only a complete and utter mororn would put his CVBG to the west in the Solomons Sea. I don't think Halsey was that stupid. Nor were they south of San Cristobal in the Coral Sea. Any way you cut it, the Allied navy was at the mercy of long range bombers from Rabaul, Bouganville, New Georga and the rest.


Don't you think I would have done that when I rebuilt it??

Edited by Wrench

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Ummm. Well. I invite you to read about the carrier raids against Rabaul, November 5th and 11th of 1943. Get a pillow first and put it on the floor so you lower jaw has something soft to land on. He risked five carriers(including two Essex class)to secure the beach heads at Bougainville. I agree it was stupid considering he had more than enough land based aircraft in the Solomoms to stop any IJN sea attack. Ballsy but stupid too.

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You know. I take that back. As you said, "Only a complete and utter mororn would put his CVBG to the west in the Solomons Sea." I'm sure the Japanese Naval high command thought the same thing. Yet Halsey ordered TF-50.3 centered around USS Essex, USS Bunker Hill and USS Independence into the Solomon Sea to strike at Rabaul on November 11th, 1943. As Sun Tzu said, "Speed is the essence of war. Take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness; travel by unexpected routes and strike him where he has taken no precautions."  Genies.  Now that whole Taffy 3 thing and the two typhoons.  Yea...

Edited by TheWarrior

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Well, Captain Ramius did tell Ryan that Halsey was stupid ...

King to Halsey: "Where is 3rd Fleet? The World Wonders."




you also forgot to mention Lexington's raid on Rabaul in 1942, before the Battle of the Coral Sea.


in truth, the only way to "get it right", would be to rebuild that entire region (ie: a completely NEW terrain)  of the SWP at least 2x the size of the map we have, to include those island to the east (see map with outlined red section below)


And given the extreme limitation of the terrain engine, especially in regards to how airfields and placed and leveled -to say nothing of the tiles-, places like Rabaul, Simpson Harbor and Vanakanu field are almost impossible to replicate

(see below)

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