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Original post by Wags here:




Looks nice, but I fail to see why we need another what if conflict area to play. And the only "enemy" air force present in the map is vastly underepresented in terms of planes, both flyable and AI.



DUXFORD, UK, September 11th, 2014 – DCS: Strait of Hormuz map coming in winter 2014.

The Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics are pleased to announce that DCS: Strait of Hormuz map will be coming to DCS World in the winter of 2014. This will be the first, new combat theatre maps for DCS World 2!

The DCS: Strait of Hormuz map is the strategic choke point between the oil-rich Persian Gulf and the rest of the world. Flanked by Iran to the North and western-supported UAE and Oman to the south, this has been one of the world’s most potentially dangerous flash points for decades. The region also includes the vast Arabian Sea that is well-suited to combat aircraft carrier operations. Be it from land bases in Iran, UAE and Oman, or from the deck of an aircraft carrier, the DCS: Strait of Hormuz map will offer a wide array combat mission scenarios to prove your metal.

Key Features of the DCS: Strait of Hormuz Map:

• 390 x 390 km highly detailed map area that centers on the Strait of Hormuz.
• As part of DCS World 2, it will support highly detailed terrain, textures, and buildings. 
• Numerous, accurately rendered airbases in Iran, the UAE and Oman.
• Detailed cities such as Dubai and Bandar Abbas with unique buildings.
• “Strong Hold” islands such as Abu Musa and Greater Tunb.
• Iran, the UAE and Oman will be added to the list of DCS World nations.

DCS: Strait of Hormuz map will be released as a separate module that will be available for sale from the DCS e-shop in the winter of 2014.

Please note that all included images are work in progress images from our land viewer tool and not within DCS World 2.


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Wow - that looks really good actually


Be thankful something is finally here I say

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Who cares if it's "fictional" it's a new place to fly and I for one an so tired of the current map that's one reason I don't fly as often.

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The screenshots look dope! I am a bit "bummed out" by the smallish size, but I hope this does not represent any upper limit for EDGE map size but rather is the ED's way of finally getting a new terrain out there. I hope they have a separate team that will work on map modules and keep churning them out. I am glad I upgraded recently so I now can enjoy DCS properly!

My god does this look pretty. I am going to make a Dhimar vs Paran campaign for DCS  :biggrin:


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I am going to make a Dhimar vs Paran campaign for DCS  :biggrin:


I tought the exact same thing. If DCS upgrade the F-4 and the F-5 and add the Mirage F.1 as used by Iran it will be amazing!

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I am not really excited by this map. I pretty much want the same maps that SF2 has: Vietnam, Israel, and Cold War NATO vs Warsaw Pact Europe, plus Korea... although what I really want is a globe that gets filled in as the different maps are released. I am guaranteed to buy the map for variety and general support of ED the same way that I bought everything TK/Third Wire released. Given the current plane set... Korea for the F-86F vs MiG-15bis, though a Vietnam terrain for the UH-1H would be sweet, too! MiG-21bis would thrive best in a Syria vs Israel (F-15C as stand-in for F-15A) setup, though quite applicable to many theaters with late MiG-21 owners.

Edited by streakeagle

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So we get a new map and people still aren't happy. Fuck me runnin'... I can't wait for this map, the ideas are now churning in my head.

Remember the book Warbirds.....yep that is what I am doing.

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Here is a rough estimate of what we are looking at.



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Wags said



As one of our first maps using the new map tools and DCS World 2, we are going to walk before we run. We also need to first get new maps into DCS World and get a good understanding of performance and file size issues that could arise. As such, future maps could certainly get much bigger if the development team has the time and resources to develop it (doing large urban areas, airbases, ports, etc. are a massive amount of work). We all realize that maps truly are “bigger is better”, but we also need to balance that with risk, resources, time, file size, etc.

Enough of the "map is too small" comments please.

So pretty much as I suspected. Great news anyhoo, and the developed middle eastern art assets can obviously be put to good use elsewhere in the region. Fingers crossed there will be at some point an Iran/Iraq border map, that would be dope. Already have some flyable assets from the late Iran/Iraq war, hopefully others like the F-4 and F-5 will come eventually (it would make so much sense!!!!).


I wonder how well the ED tools support importing already existing vector data from Open street maps or google maps or whatever, stuff like roads and such. Could cut down dev time a lot.


The graphical fidelity we all come to expect these days makes dev times insanely long, we all want a 2000X2000km accurate map with every single shrub modeled, yet complain when it takes too long for devs to place those 1 trillion bushes and houses at the right place. I have dabbled in the Arma series map editors, and created a test 40x40km Takistan type map for Arma2, the object count is simply flabbergasting for this type of map. And from the looks of it, EDGE maps will be almost Arma2 quality visually but 10+ times the size. You do the math.


I personally think that it might be a good move for ED to consider a fictional setting for the first larger map they intend to do (or some very sparse region like the sahara desert), to ease object placement requirements. A ficitonal setting might alleviate some of the problems the slightly "unfocused" plane set currently creates.


Sorry for the rant  :biggrin:

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slightly "unfocused" plane set


I used to think it was but the way I see it now its wonderful, we are getting high fidelity planes that cover many era's. It really showcases ED's versatility and ability to make a plane from any era with an extreme amount of detail. With that in mind, it shows us that they can do a Cessna just as awesome as an F/A-18C. Win win for all.

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That's a fair point too. And regardless, we are getting there slowly and surely. DCS is set to be the "standard" air combat simulation platform for years to come. I just need to buy a 27" monitor now and those durned rudder pedals. And decide if I will wait for the Oculus Rift CV1 or just go with trackIR.

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I got a 27 in monitor and 3 24 in ones. I think I am going to go with the 3 24 in ones until I can afford 2 more 27 in. My new computer will be here Monday.

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I got to thinking of the ORBATS for Iran:


They have the following air assets;


F-4 = DCS Check

Mig-29 = DCS Check

F-14 = DCS Check

Mig-21 = DCS Check (F-7M)

Su-24 = DCS Check

Huey = DCS Check

F-5 = DCS Check


Someone may need to correct me on this list but at last I knew these were all in there as either flyable or AI only. Yes this map will be great.

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That's a fair point too. And regardless, we are getting there slowly and surely. DCS is set to be the "standard" air combat simulation platform for years to come. I just need to buy a 27" monitor now and those durned rudder pedals. And decide if I will wait for the Oculus Rift CV1 or just go with trackIR.


I'm holding out on any new monitors hoping Oculus Rift's resolution increases.  As it stands now all the reviews I've read concerning the dev kits in DCS are to low to even read the cockpit instruments let alone see and identify air or ground targets.


As to the new map, I hope it's the first step towards a larger Middle Eastern Map.  I deployed to Al Jaber, Kuwait twice in the 90s.  I would love to launch A-10Cs from Al Jaber and pound the fictional republican guard :)

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F-4 = DCS Check


F-5 = DCS Check




Those two have really really outdated 3d models and skins. They look terrible!! Hope they are updated at some time. If not you will mix DCS planes with USN Fighters'97 planes.


BTW, you missed the Su-25 that is already on DCS and the Mirage F.1 (not in DCS), also I started to think how a Su-27 will look in Iranian cammo.



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Do the Iranians fly the Su-25? I didn't see it in the ORBATS. Yeah the F-4 and F-5 are old but they are relevant as the IIAF fly them. So if people ask if our current plane set it usable then I say a resounding yes.  

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The Su-25 are in the hands of the Pasdaran revolutionary guards, note his emblem on the tail art.




BTW, pics of the current DCS F-5 and F-4 models:





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Thanks for the head ups Stratos, so now the plane set for Iran is even bigger. Yes this map will be fun. 

As far as those models go, nothing a high res skin can't help in the mean time. 

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Thanks for the head ups Stratos, so now the plane set for Iran is even bigger. Yes this map will be fun. 

As far as those models go, nothing a high res skin can't help in the mean time. 


You're welcome. Never skinned for DCS, no idea how it goes. Home someone will make a step forward.


Will be great to fly around this map in a Hornet. Also ED stated this is a kind of trial map, they made it small so they can see how they work, best ways to create maps, etc... If all goes well we will see bigger maps in the future and maybe even an expansion of this one.

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This ones were part of a FC2 mod, I think they cannot be ported to DCS, what a real shame. :(



ScreenShot 371

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I just checked out some documentation for making new planes for DCS. I mean we have a Mirage F.1, F-4E and F-5E over here at combat ace, a port to DCS would probably be possible but the learning curve does seem steep. Plus the cockpits need C++ programming to work, and the flight modelings really looks very difficult for me, I cant even figure out SF2 flight modeling... 


Regarding the Iranian Su-25Ks, some were recently supplied to the Iraqi govt to fight ISIS.

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IIRC there are two "one guy" teams creating choppers right now, those are fairly simple helicopters the Bo105 and the Sa342, but I think it can be done. I'm not a modder, I can only help researching, so this is not a request in any way, but I dream of several CA modders banding togeter in order to get a Hi-Fi plane for DCS.

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I have been cheking the modding area. It should be possible to swap the 3d models of the F-4 and F-5 as both planes are already in the game, so we should be getting far better 3d models for those planes.


BTW some guys had flyable F/A-18 with F-15C cockpit, no idea what FM use.

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BTW some guys had flyable F/A-18 with F-15C cockpit


Any idea how?

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Any idea how?


I'm working on it (I mean trying to get in contact with people that know how), several of them in fact, including the guy behind this:




So, is possible to add new planes into DCS (he's working on a cockpit). But do we have the 3d models available? I mean will modders here share his 3d models so we can try? Maybe we should start swapping 3d models first? The Phantom and Tiger for example.


Will keep this post updated.

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