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So, THIS is how you...

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3d guys see the world!!!!!


what an amazing thing!!!

Now, must learn how to work it.

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glad to see u got it running...if you want basic tuts np...best way is to click n see...theres always undo button  :)

actually...most of the stuff you see,in the menus etc u will never need to use..

Edited by russouk2004

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I would love to get a copy so I could give Strike Fighters an updated F-111

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Wrench, perpair to be besyer than a three legged cat, digging a hole on a concrete floor. Welcome to the realm of 3d madness.

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Oh, you can bet I'm taking my time with this...

I've still got terrains to finsh, one of which covers over 1/3 of this planet!! Along with everything else (skins, decals, and whatevers!)

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Well, if you're experienced with MAX, I could sure use this P-47C to be finished. It's skinned, decaled, etc. All it needs is a lod with some corrections.

It's in game, flys fairly well, but has some (ok, as I really don't know what's a major or minor glitch/fault/tweek, I won't lie!) further work


IF you volunteering, I can pass on what I have, including the source file and all research materials (books and stuff on PDF). The good thing is, the C model can be used as a base for the Razorback D as well, with some changes. (addition of 2 more cowl flaps, different belly pylon, the addition of 2 wing pylons -- things like that). The Thunderbolts we have now (D razorback and D bubbletop) are from 2004-ish and in dire need of (freeware) replacements.


in the screenies below, just ignore the green dot ... that's one of my skinning tricks to find what side is where

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kev...watch this series of vids when u have time...tut for beginners aswell as experienced modelers....from setting up reference pics to tools,and eventual modeling a plane.in this case a Bf109 E

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as I learn, I'll probably start with something simple, like a building or oil tank or a 'simple' solid

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Buildings are a good way to start.....flat surfaces easier to learn mapping etc....I ll send you my buildings max files to check out...yard for example...

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Just a FYI for you Bob. The Mustang tut's help, but their misleading. I lerned a real slick way of cutting parts on my own that's way better then the Tut. He did. So when you get to that part give me a yell and I'll have a Doc. For you.

I couldent wait so I finished the .doc.

Cutting a Aileron with ProCutter.zip

Edited by RAVEN

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Thanks Raven! Right now, I don't even know what the menu bits are!! But I know that'll come in handy at some point!

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I dont like cutters as they leave stray vertices mid polys....I prefer to cut meshes to leave shape of ailerons etc...I work now in editable poly rather than editable mesh at first,as you can remove edges and vertices and max automatically tidies up the area..and more modifiers available..

like so...also higher res for better curves etc...




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