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Have we a suitabl pit for this?

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just gotta finish painting left nacelle and more or less done...pit I made is crapola...

been clearing out my models to upload...night fighter one has gunpack below and tail guns....and they open when gear closes...bomber version just has tail guns












Edited by russouk2004
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I want to shoot them down. :)

Very nice!

Edited by RAVEN

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Looks great for a SWOTL install! The look of the panel lines on the fuselage and wings is very good.


But what is it - an Arado Ar-234P, or a Heinkel or some sort? It looks a bit like the Heinkel He-219 around the nose.


The cockpit looks good to me - maybe repaint the internal panels so they look consistent, is all it needs, I think.

Or Pasko's old He-219 'pit would work pretty well.

Edited by Gatling20

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Arado yep...The pit was my 1st attempt lol...

will post up as is,after a check up,so if anyone wants to mod it...thats fine...




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Wow thats great, I have startet a different Arado the 234 cause I love the early jet age. Thank you man for this bird!


If you have more like this one, pls tell us, so we can coordinate the work a bit :hi:

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I have a few obscure aircraft...that existed but little known....

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