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SF2 A-4E(65) VA-93 'Blue Blazers' 1967

A-4E (65) Skyhawk, VA-93 'Blue Blazers' Vietnam 1967 Skinpack by Nyghtfall v1.1



*** SF2V required for A-4E_65-model, tested in full 5-merged installation ***


The skin represents A-4Es from VA-93 'Blue Blazers' in the first half of 1967 aboard the carrier USS Hancock in Vietnam.

BuNo are correct for this squadron, but unfortunately I couldn't find the correct assignment for all modex to BuNo.

The following ones are correct and confirmed by pictures or shotdownlists:

300 (152022), 301 (151049), 302 (151106), 303 (151070), 306 (151038), 310 (151082), 311 (151076), 313 (151105)

All others are filled with BuNo that are correct for the timeframe and squadron, but miss an assignment to a specific modex.

If someone has more information, please contact me for an update.

One rare fact is, that some planes of VA-93 still wore the A-4C marking pattern (Insignia on front, 4-digit BuNo on tail, Navy on airbrakes)

which was changed with the transition from A-4C to A-4E. According to my sources 301, 303 and 313 are confirmed for the old scheme.

I added 308 and 312 for a good mix.


Some highlights on this skinpack are:

- new Baseskin with highter resolution (2048x2048)

- new Decals for nearly everything :)

- 2 Marking styles (Markings like A-4E for 300-315 except for 301,303,308,312 and 313, which wear the A-4C-scheme)

- special Decals for the CAG bird (Number x00)

- updated data.ini is included, which contains the working canopy (SHIFT+0) and landing light (thanks to Wrench).





- US Navy and Marine Corps A-4 Skyhawk Units of the Vietnam War, Osprey 2007

- Scooter! The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Story, Crécy 2011

- A-4 Skyhawk Association, http://a4skyhawk.org/

- Wings Palette, http://wp.scn.ru/en/news/

- GoNavy, http://www.gonavy.jp

- the Internet ;) for details and reference picture





1. unzip to a temporary folder

2. copy 'Objects'-folder from the zip to your mods 'Objects'-folder, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes'.

3. enjoy!





- Thirdwire and TK for a great game, nice models, skins and some decals I used as pattern

- ZScout370, wikimedia - USAF Insignia

- Wrench, updated data.ini





- Soulfreak, for your decalpattern, which was a BIG help to improve the baseskin and fill it with "life"!

- Blowhard, for the weathering-tutorial at http://www.eaf51.org/Photoshop/Tutorial/Basic_Weathering.htm

- Wrench (also for help with flap-decals), ikon71, Stratos, CrazyhorseB34, cocas and EricJ for your help with the color-issues

- Sundowner (F-105D template) as inspiration on how to handle certain things in a template, as it was the first one, I created

- all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!





If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.


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Thank you, your work is much appreciated. 

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Thanks a lot guys! It was timeconsuming and sometimes a real challenge, but it was always great fun. :-)

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