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Can a russian speaker help please....could you donate some time to translate to Russian for me this below...

also need some bits checked to see if ive done it correct...

see pics for what I need checked...

top pic I need text translated....for 3ds max cockpit      ..ive installed russian font but dont know if its right ...thnx




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ALT LOW - опасная высота


ENGINE - двигатель


ENG FIRE - пожар двигателя















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Thanks but decided not to bother  .evytime look to translate words totally different  a reliable translation site ?

Edited by russouk2004

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ok....thats it...im done modding...no help ...no more releases  from me...323 views not a single offer of help...im done here

Edited by russouk2004

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I dont dispute that comrad m8...but I need something to actually convert the text myself,so I can make russian tgas for the cockpit and to label the cockpit panels correctly...if I translate 1 word at a time i ll be here forever...

i need all these translated so I can type up new text...copy and paste text wont work as I cant reclour resize etc..

I need to do all these













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Do you mean an accurate font type or like an excel sheet that has the right word for each? An ex or active pilot would be the best. I personally not sure how they abbreviate some of their stuff.

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Font would b nice...but are they accurate enough.?.most ive tried seem wrong...comrads are correct and translators I use are totally different...even if its most of whats needed then im happy lol...

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Theres A Nifty Little App Out There Called BabelPad By Andrew West Which I Use To Create Multi-Language
Decals.A Google Search For BabelPad.zip Should Turn It Up And Best Of All Its Freeware.Good For Checking
Character Fonts.

Theres A Nifty Little App Out There Called BabelPad By Andrew West Which I Use To Create Multi-Language
Decals.A Google Search For BabelPad.zip Should Turn It Up And Best Of All Its Freeware.Good For Checking
Character Fonts.


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Open Babel Pad,Select Tools,Select Character Map,Select Cyrillic Unicode Block,Select Characters,Will Appear In Edit Buffer.Now Create New Bitmap I Use Gimp Paint Simple White Fill And Text Black.Open
Text Insert And Enlarge Box.Copy Text In Edit Buffer And Paste In Image. You Know The Rest Add Alpha
Channel Set Threshold Alpha And Export As tga.This Is How I Enlarge The Text.

Decal For NIKE-J



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I don't mean to sound discouraging, but I'm almost 100% positive that many of our acronyms won't have Russian equivalents.  Also, from the picks in your first post, it appears that you've used Cyrillic letters to sound out English words.  I speak passing Russian and would be willing to help where I can, but perhaps its easier to modify an already existing cockpit (like YEYE's Modern Flanker pit)?      

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I could perhaps ask yeye to use his tgas,labels etc...trouble is I dont understand russian so dont know what items are called in russian to paint the new pit with...may as well just leave it in english

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how does babel translate text ?  how do you input word to translate? not got a clue?...i give up now ...english pit it is...

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hmmm, I do think an english cockpit would be the most accurate.  But, I have some free time today, and will look over yeye's cockpit to see what key terms Russians use as lables, warning lights, etc.  I'll also take a peek at some other accurate pits (komrad's mig-21 repaint, stary's beutiful collection, and the su-15 pit).  Everything might not have a direct translation, but with some liberties and time, a cool looking pit might be possible.   

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Thanks...Im sure he will lend the items....just  the equivalent items will do...if theres some item you cant translate" just similar will suffice...ty

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Well... I do hope this list helps.  Think of it as an addition to what Comrad wrote above.  Its certainly far from complete (and probably incorrect in spots), but hopefully it will give you enough to get a good start.  A general collection of Russian cockpit terms to pick and chose from.  


Common Russian cockpit terms.

Throttle labels:

Стоп = Idle

Малый газ = Min military (also labeled М-Газ)

Максимал = Max military

Форсаж = Afterburner

Форсаж Миним = Minimum Afterburner

Форсаж Полный = Full Afterburner

СПС = Flaps blowing (on aircraft like mig-21)


Ejection Seat/canopy label:

Тянуть только при катапультировании = Pull just before ejecting (Pull to eject)

Фонарь = Canopy

Открыт = Open

Сброс Фонаря = jettison canopy


Gear and Flaps:

Тормоз = Breaks

Авар. Тормож = Emergency Break

Парашют = Brake parachute

Шасси = Gear

Авар. Шасси = Emergency gear (down)

Выпусти шасси = Gear down

Створки шасси закрыты = Gear up/doors closed

Выпусти закрылки = Flaps down

Посадка = landing (flaps)

Взлет = Takeoff (flaps)

Полет= flight (flaps up)


Warning lights:

Главное Внимание = Master Caution

Форсаж = Afterburner

Первый Форсаж = Min (first) Afterburner

Второй Форсаж = Max (second) Afterburner

Низкая Высота = Low Altitude

Опасная высота = Dangerous (really low) altitude

Пожар = fire

Пожар двигателя = Engine Fire

Масло = oil pressure

Гидро = Hydraulic pressure

Ост. 400л = 400 liters fuel remaining

Низкая топливо = low fuel

Триммер Нейтрал = Trimmer neutral

Температура входа = Engine inlet temperature

Перегретый двигатель = Engine Overheat

Управляй вручную = Fly by Wire is out of order (engines out, dead stick)


Engine lights:

Левый двигатель = left Engine on

Правый двигатель = Right engine on

Подача топливо = fuel supply open

Сопло открыто = Nozzle open


Engine dial labels:

Турбины = Turbines (Temp)

Температура = Temperature

Гидросистема = Hydraulics

Бустер = Booster (some part of the engine?)


Fuel labels:

Топливо = Fuel

Литры = Liters

Основная = Main (overall fuel supply)

Авар. Сброс подвесок = Emergency jettison external stores

Сброс = Jettison

Внешних = External

Внутренние = Internal

Топливные Баки = fuel tanks (External)


Radar/armament/RWR Panel:

Запасно = Standby

Неисправность = out of order

Цель зафиксирована = Target locked

Цель в ряда = Target in Range (not sure if this one is correct)

Радиолокатор = Radar (shortened to локатор)

Режим поиска = Search mode

Расстояние = Range (distance)

Вкл. = On

Выкл. = Off

Запрос = IFF interrogate

Ответ = Answer (IFF)

Пуск = Launch (ПР on the hud is the go ahead to launch a missile) 

Воздух = Aerial target (also used to classify RWR)

Земля = Ground Target (also used to classify RWR)

Пушка = Gun

Ракета = Missile (This is also the RWR warning when you’ve been launched upon)



Посадочное устройство = Landing setting (shortened to ПОС on hud)

Автопилот = Autopilot

Kанал = Channel (radio)

Речь = Speech (but in this case, incoming radio)

Мрш = Navigation mode (on hud)

Взл = Takeoff mode (on hud)

Маршрут = Route (flight plan/direction)

Навиг = Navigation

Ровный полет = Wings level


Cockpit Lighting and External lights:

Кабина = Cockpit

Ночь = Night (external flood lights)

День = Day (Nav lights)

Ламп = interior lights on/off

Ярко= Brightness (of the HUD and panel)


General Flight:

Метры = Meters

Число маха = Mach Number

Время = Time

Высота = Height

Углы = Angle

Углы Атака = Angle of Attack


General terms around the cockpit:

Глав вкл. = Main on

Программа = Program

Тест = Test

Резерв = Reserve

Убрано = remove

Вентиляция = Ventilation

Охлаждать = Air conditioning   

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That is interesting. I was thinking that maybe is possible to translate from Russian to English one of the Stary's cockpits (Yak-28 or il-28) and use it  for the B-57.

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