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Indonesian A-4E & H Skyhawk Pack for Strike Fighters 2 by dtmdragon and Nyghtfall

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Indonesian A-4E & H Skyhawk Pack for Strike Fighters 2 by dtmdragon and Nyghtfall

Indonesian A-4E & H Skyhawk Pack for Strike Fighters 2 v2.0 by dtmdragon and Nyghtfall



This pack is an updated version of dtmdragons Indonesian Skyhawks pack and brings you nation specific versions of the A-4E_Ahit_73 and A-4H_Ahit_73 with updated INIs based on dtmdragons Ahit Enhancement Pack.

Also included are new skins and decals with correct numbers for all single seaters used by Indonesia.


In game you will find:

"A-4E Skyhawk (Indonesia)" with 3 blue camos (HighViz markings, light gray markings and dark markings according to year) and 1 brown camo (HighViz markings)

"A-4H Skyhawk (Indonesia) (Blue Camo)" with the 3 blue camos

"A-4H Skyhawk (Indonesia) (Brown Camo)" with the 1 brown camo


Please read the included readme for further details!




1. unzip to a temporary folder

2. copy 'Objects'-folder from the zip to your mods 'Objects'-folder, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes'.

3. enjoy!



If the Squadrons are missing in the loadout screen, you should add the following lines in the squadronlist.ini ("<mod>\pilotdata"-folder) with XXX changed to the next 2 free numbers:




DisplayName=Skadron Udara 11





DisplayName=Skadron Udara 12






- Thirdwire and TK for a great game, nice models and skins

- dtmdragon Idea and basic Mod

- Nyghtfall Skins, Decals

- Dev A-Team of Capun

- CB Productions





- Soulfreak, for your decalpattern, which was a BIG help to improve the baseskin and fill it with "life"!

- Blowhard, for the weathering-tutorial at http://www.eaf51.org/Photoshop/Tutorial/Basic_Weathering.htm

- all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!





If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM dtmdragon or Nyghtfall.


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Excellent work. Thank you. 

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Klasse Arbeit Rene! :good:

Edited by Soulfreak
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I'm glad you like it, sources were rare and picture mostly of bad quality, so it was a bit of a gamble :)

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