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No external fuel tanks for Super Hornets

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This may be a dumb question but after installing the add-on Super Hornets in SF2: NA external fuel tanks are in the options for the the appropriate wing pylons.  Thanks to the help here I've gotten the planes and all the weapons to installed but on the Super Hornets offered on this website external fuel tanks aren't listed.  For the record the F/A-18 B/C/D models all have the options to add external fuel tanks but not the Super Hornets.  Thanks for any advice you guys can give. 

Edited by Dillon

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Did you add the tanks to the weapons folder? They  cannot be loaded, if they're not there.

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Doesn't the tanks come with the add-on aircraft like all the other weapons do? I have every other weapon that came in the weapons folder from the download file.

Edited by Dillon

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Where do you get the external fuel tanks for the 'E/F'.

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they're included in the E/F 3.2 pak.


Follow the install instructions; they're there on mine

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they're included in the E/F 3.2 pak.


Follow the install instructions; they're there on mine



Re-installed the weapons from 3.2 and they now show up on that model.  


Any reason why the leading edge flaps don't fully come up on the 3.2 model?  If you don't know the answer I can start a new thread.



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Bleagh I guess I need to be here more often... but the way they're setup is to automatically deploy/retract depending on AoA so if they're down its because of game logic, not something that can be directly controlled.

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