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Armored AEG J.II (not a real J.II)

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This is a Hack AEG J.II from Stephen1918's AEG C.IV. The J series AEG derived from the C.IV airframe so they are very similar. The J.II had balanced control surfaces, Armored engine cowl and fuselage to the observers compartment, and ailerons on the lower wings. Also two Spandau machine guns aimed forward at a 45 degree downward angle from the observers floor.  But this modified AEG C.IV will do just fine for me. A good strong ground attack aircraft. I just need to do some decal work. Maybe Stephen1918 can alter the C.IV to make a real "J" type when he never has the time :grin:  .


I don't know if I'll post this skin because it's not really a J type. But if some of you guys would like it just let me know. Still working on the skin.


post-33545-0-33047100-1424991453_thumb.jpgpost-33545-0-84180500-1424991454_thumb.jpgpost-33545-0-62200200-1424991455_thumb.jpgpost-33545-0-46596900-1424991456_thumb.jpgpost-33545-0-28902000-1424991457_thumb.jpgpost-33545-0-05969100-1424991458_thumb.jpgpost-33545-0-76049200-1424991458_thumb.jpg  post-33545-0-39155400-1424991460_thumb.jpgpost-33545-0-09563800-1424991461_thumb.jpg

Edited by quack74
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i'm a fan of the what-if for grounda poundas. another variant cold be hand dropped grenades or even a single bomb just ahead of the bottom guns. just more variants to think of.

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Good job, looks very convincing.

Edited by Geezer

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