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The new supermod for Il-2 '46 is now available

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Wow, I had no idea this was in the pipeline. So are there custom campaigns to go along with it? Or is it just using the mission building?

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This being a new platform based on the TD 4.12 patch, I suspect campaigns compatible with that patch may work fine and that others may, or may need tweaked eg something that played out ok with the old AI, plays out differently with the new and disturbs the flow of the mission. If theis becomes the new standard for Single player IL-2 I expect we'll see plenty of new content or older stuff undated as necessary.


Here's the list of maps included in CUP, from the user manual:


Archangelsk Autumn -by agracier
Archangelsk Summer -by agracier
Archangelsk Winter -by agracier
Archangelsk Hard Winter -by agracier
Balaton Summer -Ubisoft
Balaton Winter -Ubisoft
Eastern Baltic Summer -by Uzin
Eastern Baltic Winter -by Uzin
Berlin Summer -Ubisoft
Berlin Autumn -by CKY
Berlin Winter -by CKY
Bessarabia Summer -Ubisoft
Bessarabia(light) -Ubisoft
Odessa(light) -Ubisoft
Bulgaria -by agracier
Caucasus Summer -by CzechTexan
Caucasus Winter -by CzechTexan
The Black Sea -by Dad
Crimea -Ubisoft
Crimea Summer -by LalRhone
Crimea Autumn -by LalRhone
Crimea Winter -by LalRhone
Crimea Mud -by LalRhone
Denmark -by RW32
Donbass Summer -by Oknevas
Donbass Winter -by Oknevas
Estonia -by Oknevas
Poland 1939 -by Uzin
Prokhorovka -by Cyberolas
Gulf of Finland Spring -by LalRhone
Gulf of Finland Summer -by LalRhone
Gulf of Finland Autumn -by LalRhone
Gulf of Finland Winter -by LalRhone
Finland Summer -by Kapteeni
Finland Winter -by Kapteeni
Karelia Summer -by agracier&Kapteeni
Karelia Autumn -by agracier&Kapteeni
Karelia Winter -by agracier&Kapteeni
Karelia Winter Ice -by agracier&Kapteeni
Svir Summer -by Kapteeni
Svir Winter -by Kapteeni
Syvari Summer -by Kapteeni
Syvari Winter -by Kapteeni
Syvari Hard Winter -by Kapteeni
Viipuri Spring -by Kapteeni
Viipuri Summer -by Kapteeni
Viipuri Winter -by Kapteeni
Viipuri Hard Winter -by Kapteeni
Kiev Summer -Ubisoft
Kiev Autumn -Ubisoft
Kiev Winter -Ubisoft
Ukraine Summer -by AP
Ukraine Winter -by AP
Kuban -by Cyberolas
Kurland Winter -Ubisoft
Kurland Autumn -Ubisoft
Kursk -by Cyberolas
Lapland Summer -by agracier
Lapland Autumn -by agracier
Lapland Winter -by agracier
Lapland for Jets Summer -by agracier&Tom2
Lapland for Jets Autumn -by agracier&Tom2
Lapland for Jets Winter -by agracier&Tom2
Lvov Spring -by VPMedia
Lvov Summer -Ubisoft
Lvov Autumn -by LalRhone
Lvov Winter -CKY
Moscow Spring -by LalRhone
Moscow Summer -Ubisoft
Moscow Winter -Ubisoft
Battle of Moscow Autumn -by Oknevas
Battle of Moscow Summer -by Oknevas
Battle of Moscow Winter -by Oknevas
Murmansk Summer -Ubisoft
Murmansk Winter -Ubisoft
Murmansk Hard Winter -GW
Smolensk -Ubisoft
Stalingrad Summer -by Cyberolas
Stalingrad Winter -by Cyberolas
Suomussalmi Summer -by agracier
Suomussalmi Autumn -by agracier
Suomussalmi Winter -by agracier
Central Ukraine Summer -by mandrill
Central Ukraine Autumn -by mandrill

Northern Alps -by Zipolar'e
Central Alps -by Zipolar'e
Eastern Alps -by Zipolar'e
Western Alps -by Zipolar'e
Atlantic Summer -by CKY
Atlantic Winter -by CKY
Ardennes Summer -by Cyberolas
Ardennes Winter -by Cyberolas
Ardennes Winter TAB -by TAB
Ardennes Winter GW -by GW
The North Sea -by WAG
Bay of Biscay -by agracier
English Channel -by Kapteeni
English Channel Spring -by canonUK
English Channel Summer -by canonUK
English Channel Winter -by canonUK
English Channel 1940-41 Spg’ -by canonUK&tbauchot
English Channel 1940-41 Sum’ -by canonUK&tbauchot
English Channel 1940-41 Aut’ -by canonUK&tbauchot
English Channel 1940-41 Win’ -by canonUK&tbauchot
English Channel 1942-45 Spg` -by canonUK&tbauchot
English Channel 1942-45 Sum’ -by canonUK&tbauchot
English Channel 1942-45 Aut’ -by canonUK&tbauchot
English Channel 1942-45 Win’ -by canonUK&tbauchot
English Channel Spg’ 1940-41 -by canonUK&tbauchot
English Channel Sum’ 1940-41 -by canonUK&tbauchot
English Channel Aut’ 1940-41 -by canonUK&tbauchot
English Channel Win’ 1940-41 -by canonUK&tbauchot
English Channel Spg’ 1943-45 -by canonUK&tbauchot
English Channel Sum’ 1943-45 -by canonUK&tbauchot
English Channel Aut’ 1943-45 -by canonUK&tbauchot
English Channel Win’ 1943-45 -by canonUK&tbauchot
English Channel 352nd Map -by 352nd Squad
Circus Raids Map Summer -by DRK
Circus Raids Map Winter -by DRK
Nordbayern -by KM
Normandy-June 1943 -by LalRhone
Normandy-June 1944 -by LalRhone
Normandy Winter -by LalRhone
Normandy Heavy Winter -by LalRhone
German Czech Border 1938 -Unknown
European Nightfighter Map -by RLV
European Nightbomber Map -by RLV
Western Front 1940 Blitz -by GilB
Western Front 1940 Winter -by GilB
Western Front 1944 Summer -by GilB
Western Front 1944 Winter -by GilB
Western Front Spring -by GilB
Western Front Summer -by GilB
Western Front Autumn -by GilB
Western Front Winter -by GilB
Western Europe La Chute -by Spit973
Northwest Europe -Ubisoft
Northwest Europe Revisited -may-bug
Norway -Ubisoft
Norway Winter -Ubisoft
Norway Summer -Ubisoft
Northern Norway -by Zipolar'e
Narvik -by agracier
Svalbard -by Lynx23
Spanish Morocco -by agracier
African Congo -Unknown
Dakar -by agracier
Djibouti -by agracier
El Alamein -by viking4570
Madagascar -by agracier
Magallanes -by MrOblongo
Mozambique -by agracier
African Zimbotho -by CAL
Northern African Coastline -by RedEye_Jir
Crete -by viking4570
The Gothic Line Summer -by Zuti
The Gothic Line Winter -by Zuti
Slovakia Summer 1955 -by Zuti
Slovakia Winter 1955 -by Zuti
Slovakia Summer -by Zuti
Slovakia Winter -by Zuti
Slovakia Summer (Online) -by Zuti
Slovakia Winter (Online) -by Zuti
Italy -Ubisoft
Italy Africa & Greece LAG -by LAG
Italy Africa & Greece VOL -by Volperossa
War Over Italy -by Volperossa
Hejaz -by agracier
Hormuz -by agracier
Iraq -by agracier
Northeast Lybia -by JV69
Malta lowres -by Marez
Malta mediumres -by Marez
Malta highres -by Marez
Malta 1942 -by FIV
The Middle East (Big) -by Nounette
The Central Mediterranean -by Marez
Mediterranean Theatre -Ubisoft
Mediterranean Theatre Light -Ubisoft
Mediterranean Theatre Redko -by Redko
Monte Cassino -by Zipolar'e
Algeria Tunisia & Sicily -by Volperossa
The Western Desert -Ubisoft
The Western Desert (Redko) -by Redko
The Sands Of Time -Ubisoft
The Sands Of Time (Redko) -by Redko
Sardinia -by Volperossa
Serbia -by Avala
Sidi Ifni -by agracier
The Sinai -by delvpier&TAM
Tunisia -by MrOblongo
Slovenia Summer -by Zuti
Slovenia Winter -by Zuti
Andalucia -by agracier
Aragon -by agracier
Balearic Islands -by agracier
Canary Islands -by HRT
Central Spain Spring -by RedEye_Jir
Central Spain Summer -by RedEye_Jir
Central Spain Autumn -by RedEye_Jir
Central Spain Winter -by RedEye_Jir
Ebro River 1938 -by HRT
Madeira -by HRT
Madrid -by agracier&UF
Northeast Spain Spring -by RedEye_Jir
Northeast Spain Summer -by RedEye_Jir
Northeast Spain Autumn -by RedEye_Jir
Northeast Spain Winter -by RedEye_Jir
Northern Spain Spring -by RedEye_Jir
Northern Spain Summer -by RedEye_Jir
Northern Spain Autumn -by RedEye_Jir
Northern Spain Winter -by RedEye_Jir
Southern Spain Spring -by RedEye_Jir
Southern Spain Summer -by RedEye_Jir
Southern Spain Autumn -by RedEye_Jir
Southern Spain Winter -by RedEye_Jir
The Aleutians -by agracier
Australia Queensland -by agracier
Australia Darwin 1942-43 -by Neil Lowe
B29 Alley -by delvpier
Batavia -by agracier
Benghalli -by Avala
Northern Borneo PreWar 1942 -by farang65
Northern Borneo 1943-45 -by farang65
Burma Upper -by FabianFred
Burma -Ubisoft
Burma (TAM) -by TAM
Burma Lower -by CzechTexan
Burma Lower 1942 -by CzechTexan
Burma Lower 1944 -by CzechTexan
Cape Glouceste -by agracier
Chichi Jima -Ubisoft
Chichi Jima (BA) -by Bombsaway
Chichi Jima (Whc) -by Whitecat
The Coral Sea -Ubisoft
The Coral Sea (Online) -Ubisoft
The Coral Sea (BA) -by Bombsaway
Formosa -by agracier&Redko
Guadalcanal Early -Ubisoft
Guadalcanal Late -Ubisoft
Hankow -by agracier
Harbin 1937 -by agracier
The Hawaain Islands -Ubisoft
The Hawaain Islands -by Whitecat
India -by agracier
Southeast India -by BB
Iwo Jima -Ubisoft
Iwo Jima pre invasion -by Whitecat
Iwo Jima invasion -by Whitecat
Iwo Jima post invasion -by Whitecat
Iwo Jima to Kanto -by RealDarko
Khalkhin Gol Region -DaveOD06
Khalkhin Gol River -by Zipolar'e
The Kokoda Trail -by MrOblongo
Korean Theatre Summer(3BG) -by 3BG
Korean Theatre Summer(whc) -by 3BG&Whitecat
Korean Theatre Winter(3BG) -by 3BG
North Korea Summer 1950 -by CY6
North Korea Autumn 1950 -by CY6
North Korea Winter 1950 -by CY6
North Korea Spring 1951 -by CY6
North Korea Summer 1951/53 -by CY6
North Korea Winter 1951/53 -by CY6
Kwajalein -DaveOD06
Kwajalein 1944 -by Bombsaway
Hokkaido North Japan Summer -Ubisoft
Hokkaido North Japan Winter -Ubisoft
Kyushu South Japan(redko) -by Redko
Kyushu South Japan -Ubisoft
Kyushu South Japan(whc) -by Whitecat
The Lost Islands -by agracier
Makin Atoll -Ubisoft
Manchuria -Ubisoft
Manchuria(TAM) -Ubisoft&TAM
Marcus Islands(LS) -by Lonestar67
Marianas -Ubisoft
Marianas Expanded -by DaveOD06
The Marshall Islands 1942 -DaveOD06
Midway -Ubisoft
Midway(cat) -by Whitecat
Midway LateWar(BA) -by Bombsaway
New Georgia -by agracier
Dutch New Guinea -by farang65
New Guinea -Ubisoft
Northern Ryukyu Islands -by Lonestar67
Okinawa -Ubisoft
Okinawa(LALwhc) -by LAL&Whitecat
Okinawa Japan & Korea -by FabianFred
Pacific Islands -Ubisoft
Pacific Islands2 -Ubisoft
Pacific Islands(TAM) -Ubisoft&TAM
Pacific Islands(BTM) -by Bombsaway
Central Pacific (MiSP) -by MiSP
Palau -Ubisoft
Palau(redko) -by Redko
Palembang 42(IJ) -by IJ
Palembang 45(IJ) -by IJ
Philippines -by DixieCapt
Rabaul 1944 -by Bee
Rennell Islands -by Lonestar67
Rennell Islands 1943 -by Lonestar67
Santa Cruz -by Lonestar67
Santa Cruz 1942 -by Lonestar67
Sakishima -by Prangster
Singapore -Ubisoft
Singapore 2 -Ubisoft
Singapore(whc) -by Whitecat
Solomon Islands Aug 1942 -Team Daidalos
Solomon Islands Oct 1942 -Team Daidalos
Solomon Islands Dec 1942 -Team Daidalos
Solomon Islands Jul 1943 -Team Daidalos
Solomon Islands Oct 1943 -Team Daidalos
Solomon Islands Jan 1944 -Team Daidalos
Tarawa -Ubisoft
Tarawa Expanded -by DaveOD06
Thailand -by FabianFred
Truk Lagoon -by Lonestar67
Truk Lagoon 2 (LS) -by Lonestar67
Truk Lagoon (BA) -by Bombsaway
Wake Island -Ubisoft
WaWake Island Retextured -by Whitecat
Western Carolines Mid 1944 -by DaveOD06
Western Carolines Late 1944 -by DaveOD06
Woodlark Islands -by agracier
South Vietnam -by MissionBug
North Vietnam -by BB
Viet Minh -by ag-cztx-PS
Hanoi -by agracier
Paraguay -by agracier
Cuba -by agracier
Honduras -by farang65
The Falkland Islands -by Bombsaway
Ankoria & Pagadona -by farang65
Neuschwabenland -by farang65
WWI Belarus 1916
WWI The English Channel
WWI Gallipoli Peninsula
WWI The Italian Front
WWI Megiddo and Palestine
WWI The Somme Early
WWI The Somme Late
WWI The Somme Winter
WWI The Western Front -by GilB&SAS~Boomer
WWI The North Sea Early -RealDarko&Gillb57
WWI The North Sea Late -RealDarko&Gillb57
Flight Test Centre
The Grand Canyon -by viking4570
Pensacola NAS -by agracier
Reno Nevada -by Tom2
Blumax Islands -by Blumax
Online-Summer1 -Ubisoft
Online-Summer2 -Ubisoft
Online-Summer3 -Ubisoft
Online-Summer4 -Ubisoft
Online-Winter1 -Ubisoft
Online-Winter2 -Ubisoft
Online-mountains -Ubisoft
Online-Islands1 -Ubisoft
Online-Islands2 -Ubisoft
Online-Islands3 -Ubisoft

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Ohhhh... my....

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ok, I'm on the old DBW install here that goes back to wheee around 2012 or so, 2.09 based IIRC


does have one step-by-step-for-dummies how to?

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  On 3/8/2015 at 11:41 AM, Stary said:

ok, I'm on the old DBW install here that goes back to wheee around 2012 or so, 2.09 based IIRC


does have one step-by-step-for-dummies how to?


Quoting from the first post in the link above, this seems to be it. the only vaguely tricky bit seems to be ensuring you have a suitable base install, meaning I think Il-2 '46 with the latest official patches then patched to 1.12; then this mod activator thingy (ModAct 5.3). I haven't got that fae yet but it doesn'ty look any tricker than installing DBW. I will be keeping the latter install as well, until CUP has the sort of campaign content that I like with DBW.




The C.U.P. Modules drop into any install of - Il2/1946 + 412 + SAS MODACT (5.3) and do not effect existing #SAS folders




SAS IL-2 4.12.2m Mega Patch



SAS Modact 5.3 for IL-2 4.12.2m



The C.U.P. Modules will be updated in the usual way with subsequent additions, in SFS format, simply applied over the top of the existing install.



Many JSGME tweaks and features may easily be added or removed, according to taste, whenever the player wants.  Each is prefixed according to its effects:

#CUP - Universal Option applies feature to all modules

#DOF - Option applies feature to ‘Dawn of Flight’

#WAW - Option applies feature to ‘World at War’

#JTW - Option applies feature to ‘The Jet Age’



Get all nine parts of CUP Module One and UnZIP/UnRAR direct to your Il2 main Directory



Get them all or get the one that interests you most first off

Get ALL parts of the next module, currently 4 for DoF and JTW and 7 for WaW

UnZIP/UnRAR direct to your Il2 main Directory


Select the new Era with the new Selector and go fly!

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Well, she's up and working. Downloaded the torrents and needed an overnight run for the maps and a few hours for the rest. Isnnstalled the maps and the WW2 package so far, but the sim wouldn't load, crashing at 70%. There's a couple of different fixes for those who get this on the CUP thread at SAS, see post 222 on page 19 - http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,44975.msg504335.html#msg504335Worked for me and I've started flying a few quick missions to see what's what.


2015.03.08 21-40-35.jpg


2015.03.08 21-46-15.jpg


2015.03.08 21-39-11.jpg


2015.03.08 21-30-21.jpg


2015.03.08 23-45-29.jpg


2015.03.08 23-58-24.jpg


2015.03.08 23-33-02.jpg


2015.03.09 00-43-38.jpg


2015.03.09 00-18-46.jpg


2015.03.09 10-31-41.jpg


2015.03.09 10-33-51.jpg


2015.03.09 10-25-29.jpg


2015.03.09 10-22-44.jpg


2015.03.09 10-20-15.jpg


2015.03.08 23-30-27.jpg


2015.03.08 23-35-02.jpg


So far, so good!

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Looks magnificent. I have it downloading as we speak.



Just to be clear - no campaigns have been updated yet, correct? This is (essentially) a planeset/mapset with a quick mission builder?

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  On 3/9/2015 at 12:00 AM, MrGoTime said:

Looks magnificent. I have it downloading as we speak.



Just to be clear - no campaigns have been updated yet, correct? This is (essentially) a planeset/mapset with a quick mission builder?


I think that's right - a 'New, improved' & expanded Il-2 '46 platform.

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Took a little longer to get the WW2 ('Dawn of Flight') and post-WW2 ('The Jet Age') modules working. At first they locked up my PC trying to load the Quick Mission Builder but they work ok now, after following a tip and enambily the (included) 'Mission Pro Combo' mod (which also unlocks many more maps and other extras, in the Quick Mission Builder screen).


2015.03.09 14-42-11.jpg


2015.03.09 14-31-20.jpg


2015.03.09 14-27-12.jpg


2015.03.09 14-33-28.jpg


2015.03.09 14-33-02.jpg


2015.03.09 14-22-37.jpg


Anyway it's all systems go, tho for me Il-2 will always be best for and at WW2.


2015.03.09 00-34-27.jpg


2015.03.09 10-22-54.jpg


2015.03.09 00-20-29.jpg


2015.03.09 10-30-11.jpg

2015.03.09 16-09-16.jpg


2015.03.08 23-29-48.jpg

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Still going strong. Flying some Italian planes over one of the Spanish maps in a Quick Mission, I found myself statring in the air and having difficulty starting my engine, not using Complex Engine Management so not sure what that was about. Lots of nice scenery to admire, engine turning or not, tho the terrain objects like trees and buildings are still drawn in and out rather close. Below is Badajoz, complete with castle and bullring.


2015.03.09 18-50-48.jpg


I haven't played much with 4.12 but the TD artificial intelligence seems somehow more human; fighting Mustangs over the wintry Ardennes in a long-nosed 190 was good fun.


2015.03.09 19-29-28.jpg


One of the Amis I knocked down tried to out-zoom climb me twice, stall turning at the top each time, which I don't think I've seen before. Didn't do him much good in the end.


2015.03.09 19-22-44.jpg

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