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I am having a very strange issue with the loading of weapons on a particular helicopter. This is the first and only time I've ever seen this issue so it's really bizarre.


I'm trying to load weapons on the old AH-1Z from the A-Team site. I'm posting on this forum as well as the one on their site just to maximize my chances of getting an answer.


Anyways the helicopter works fine in SF2 but for some reason weapons will not load on the aircraft using the LOADOUT.ini. I have checked the weapons stations in the DATA.ini several times and confirmed that all the proper info has been entered correctly. However when I specify which weapons to use in the LOADOUT.ini these weapons never load on the aircraft. I can manually open the loadout screen and successfully load the required weapons but for some weird reason the game wont do it automatically using the LOADOUT.ini


I have never seen this happen before and am currently at a brick wall.


If anyone has any idea what might be happening please let me know!







-BTW I searched the forum for an hour and couldn't find a similar thread, so if I did in fact overlook it please know I did still check.

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it happens all the time, to varying aircraft.


the game engine "picks" the first available weapon that fits the category, sometime completely ignoring what the loadout ini says.

One of the ways to fix it, it via the 'stationspecificcode' tag in the weapons data ini, and on the individual hardpoints. Which means creating specific weapons for ONLY that aircraft


(like what yarkov has been doing with his cobras and the loach)

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I'll give that a try Wrench, but the problem I'm having is that no weapons are loading onto the aircraft at all. I've had the issue of different weapons loading onto an aircraft which is what I assume you are saying but not this problem.


Will the "stationspecificcode" still work given the issue I'm having?

Edited by warthog64

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Are you using specific year loadouts in loadout.ini file ?

Make sure you don't have two or more weapons with the same name.

It is hard to help not seeing ini files. And it's easy to overlook even one "dot".

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Well I tried the specificstationcode fix and it didn't work.


I am not using specific year loadouts, nor am I using two or more weapons with the same name.


Like I said this is a WEIRD issue.


I appreciate the help guys, I'll keep trying to figure this thing out.

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Copy your Loadout.ini and past it here. I had this problem and it was a typo. Better still zip your data.ini and Loadout.ini post the zip here. Eseyer to check that way.

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well, to start with, the loadout ini hardpoints are numbered incorrectly. They only use 2 digits


should be




they have to match the numbers of the hardpoints, as stated in the date ini EXACTLY

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That's the exact typo I had with a F4u long ago. Besids that, the 'SpecificStationCode=' I beleave has to be unique to 1 weapone, not a 100% sure on that though, like the Falcon for  the F-4D. Not correct, Multiple weapons can have the same code. Just tested it.

Edited by RAVEN

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:doh: Jeez I didn't even notice that since I've never had this issue before with any other aircraft. Thanks everyone!

Edited by warthog64

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