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Is it possible to hide/remove parts from a cockpit?

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I know how to hide/remove parts from a plane using the plane's data.ini.


But cockpits don't have data.ini's, hence my question.


If possible, how?






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Cockpits do have ini files, and yes, it is possible to rotate canopy frames and the like in order to render them invisible.

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yes, indeed. do it all the time...




btw, the P-70 tweeks pack in up in the downloads section, in case you missed the announcement Sunday

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Thank you guys for those very informative answers.



Do I need to learn a secret hand shake or something before you will tell me how to do this?


Or is this one of those life lessons I have to figure out on my own like Beaver Cleaver's dad is always making him learn?




Wrench, got the P-70 release.  Thanks again to you and Raven for all the work you two did to give that old bird a new lease on life.

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Oh man Geary it is a very basic thing. With LODviewer it's all very easy now.




Say I wanna hide the RWR in the phantom pit. First what's the LOD name? Find it in F-4E_COCKPIT.INI.





So we have LOD name F-4E_pit.


Next open the main F-4E.ini and we have




This is obviously the aircraft external LOD. Change it to this:




So it points to the cockpit LOD, and LODviewer can open it:




What's the node name? Left click and highlight. Use ctrl or shift to select the rest of nodes under the hierachy:




Click "Hide selected Node" to make sure it is the desired visual result after the node is hidden:





All good indeed. Next just gotta input the .ini edits into the cockpit.ini file. Open up F-4E_COCKPIT.INI and add this to the end of instrument lists:




And at the end of the file, add this:







and it's done.

Edited by Do335
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   Thanks for the graphics and explanation.


   I learn better with pictures and simple sentence explanations.


   This works well in SF2.


   Now to figure out how to do this in SF1.


   The same method doesn't seem to work in SF1.


   I've been trying to hide the missile lights and weapon selector box in the SF1 F-100D cockpit.


   So far no joy.


   Will keep at it.


   Thanks, again.

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Hi Geary... The Type=Inactive command is SF2 only. Maybe try the old methods like









Good luck.

Edited by Do335

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Geary, look in the P-70's cockpit ini (or any Havoc) ... you'll see a bunch of moves/hides I did to take out certain things, to make it a bit more like it should be. Those statement can easily be reused, with differing mesh names, for any pit


The LOD viewer is a great help, but in the olden days one could look through the OUT file, as that lists the node/meshes, or get framiliar with a hex editor to 'search...'


It really ain' that hard

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EUREKA!     (I know, ... I don't smell so good myself.)


Cockpit parts I want gone are gone.



Thanks to all for assistance.

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