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Hacker claims he controlled a plane's engine in midair..

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From discussions with engineers :


- Engineers with FMS knowledge believe their network is properly isolated from the IFE network.

- Engineers with FMS knowledge seem conflicted over what he meant by "reprogrammed" but they seem to think he has misconceptions about how their software work (which is their polite way to say he seems clueless on the topic).

- None of them exclude that in retrofits or to shave off weight and costs both networks might not be air-gaped as they should be but they have no personal knowledge of such case and consider it criminal negligence if it ever happened.

- It's scary how most engineers have limited knowledge outside of the particular part of a subsystem they work on.


When read properly Chris Roberts claims are as follows :


- He did access the entertainment network of multiple planes, sniffed around the network and found flaws.

- He has working knowledge of flight control networks and engine control software... in a virtual machine. (Which is weird in itself as it begs the question, where did he get a FMS virtual machine or source code ?)

- He believes both network aren't properly secured and air-gaped.

- He never claimed to have actually bridged the gap between the two systems or accessed the flight control network in flight.


My take :


- Chris Roberts presented theoretical possibilities in words that could be taken as actual events out of self-aggrandizing habit (He once claimed to have taken control of the environmental control of the ISS and raised the onboard temperature).

- The FBI was perfectly aware of it but thought it was a good opportunity to justify their budget, security theatre and some legislation.

- The media saw a perfect opportunity to prey on the public's fear to sell more ads.

- Chris Roberts is trying to get his own TV show and pull a Walter O'Brien...

- Chris Roberts, as a security expert, is bleeding credibility fast, other researchers and specialists in the field are combing through his previous work and claims and tearing him apart, he apparently committed professional suicide.

Edited by Gunrunner
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I think he's full of BS and pursuing this for his own marketing purposes.  Accessing the flight controls and/or engine controls from the Inflight Entertainment Network does not sound at all plausible. 


and even if he did, making the plane "fly sideways" because he changed one engine's thrust reveals a gross misconception of basic aerodynamics!!

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