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FJ-3 VF-191 Satan's Kittens Skin for DCS F-86F

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FJ-3 VF-191 Satan's Kittens Skin for DCS F-86F

This is part of a series of US Navy and Marine Corps skin packs for the FJ-3/FJ-3M Fury, the navalized variant of the F-86 Sabre (the M version being Sidewinder capable).


Fighter Squadron 191 flew the FJ-3 Fury from 1956-1957 before transitioning to the F11F-1 Tiger. This skin pack features skins from the 1957 deployment aboard the USS Yorktown (CVA-10) as part of Carrier Air Group 19 (CVG-19, Tailcode B).


Note: this skin pack uses an EXE installer that creates common texture folders and an autoexec.cfg (if you already have one, you can make manual changes). I would like your feedback on this system; if it works I intend to apply it to my other skin packs. If you have a 1.x version of this skin installed, then the installer will remove the old 1.x liveries and obsolete texture folders. Be sure to update any missions that used 1.x series skins.


A Note About Autoexec.cfg:


Rather than copying texture files to their respective livery folders, I prefer to use a series of common texture folders along with unique filenames. This allows a single instance of many of my common textures, and keeps the hard drive footprint to a minimum (especially nice if you run a SSD for your system drive).


The installer will add a series of folders to the DCS Texture path; if you do not have these folders created, then it is no problem. The autoexec.cfg included will automatically point to the Texture folder in your Saved Games\DCS folder, and regardless of whether you run the Open Alpha, Open Beta, or Release version of DCS, the path will always point to your Saved Games\DCS\Texture folder. Again, this saves space on your hard drive.


If you use your own Autoexec.cfg, then when prompted to overwrite you can click "no". This will create a file called autoexec.new, and you can manually make the updates as you like. Just don't modify the top line with the file date; this is used by the installer for version control. However, feel free to include it in your existing autoexec.cfg, so you don't get prompted to overwrite until there's another update to the autoexec.cfg.


If you inadvertently overwrite your autoexec.cfg, it is actually backed up as autoexec.old. Just open it and copy the appropriate information to the new file.


Updating from the 1.x series of FJ-3 Skins:


With the release of DCS World 1.5.4 and 2.0.3, the decal layer that once covered the entire model has been removed by Belsimtek. As such, organizational specific modex placement as well as modex placement on the wing is no longer possible. The modex (1xx-3xx) is now selected in the Mission Editor rather than by skin selection. For skins that have the BuNo on the tail, the last two digits of the modex are also used for the BuNo (this is not accurate, but just to allow a dynamic number on the tail).


Detail placement in textures based on USN skins by Crazyeddie.
Special thanks to SkateZilla for the awesome Photoshop template.


You are free to use any of the textures in other skins or projects as long as proper credit is provided in the readme file.


-Home Fries


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      Welcome To Duty
      Built with the extraordinary expertise and dedication of modders from CombatACE.com, Operation Desert Storm – 30th Anniversary Edition promises to be the most complete total conversion ever made for Strike Fighters 2 by ThirdWire.
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      Minimum Requirements
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      Sneak Peek
      CombatACE.com shall at all times retain ownership of the Software as originally downloaded by you and all subsequent downloads of the Software by you. The Software (and the copyright, and other intellectual property rights of whatever nature in the Software, including any modifications made thereto) are and shall remain the property of CombatACE.com and of the respective developers/modders.
      In no event, unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, shall CombatACE.com, or any person be liable for any loss, expense or damage, of any type or nature arising out of the use of, or inability to use this installer or program, including, but not limited to, claims, suits or causes of action involving alleged infringement of copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or unfair competition.
      The Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary Edition modification does NOT comply with CombatACE's Freeware Licensing. Various contents of this modification are exclusive, as such you are NOT allowed to share, redistribute and/or make use of the mod and/or its contents for other purposes, without the consent of the mod's developers. Contents of the modification are the copyright of their respective authors.
      Notes about the installer
      Beware, the mod is available only in the ISO format. You can either mount it on a virtual drive, burn it on a DVD like in the good old days, or unzip it with 7-Zip or equivalent software.
      The installer will automatically detect your installation of the required Strike Fighters 2 games by reading through the registry keys. Game folders that are copied from or manually moved from where they were originally installed are not supported. You need all three aforementioned Strike Fighters 2 games and they must be installed with ThirdWire's original installers, not manually copied from other sources nor moved elsewhere after installation to other folders or drives. If you do not meet any of these requirements, installation cannot proceed and you are on your own. If you install all required games properly, the installation of the mod will proceed correctly as intended. The installer then lets you choose where to install the mod folder; you can even install the mod on a different drive or partition than the one where Strike Fighters 2 is installed. No further user input nor manual edits after installation are ever required; the installer takes care of creating all proper links to your desired path for the mod folder. After installation is over, simply run the mod by using the created Desktop and/or Start Menu links.
      If you have a previous version of the mod installed, please use the uninstaller to remove it completely. Clean installation is mandatory. You might want to make a backup of the Controls folder, so that you can easily restore your controller settings afterwards.
      Suggestions on common issues
      Make sure that you are using your dedicated GPU. By default, Strike Fighters 2 usually selects the integrated GPU you may have on your CPU, which is much weaker in terms of VRAM. In case you have frequent crashes or black/missing textures, I highly suggest you download and install the DXVK graphics wrapper (x86 DLLs) into your Strike Fighters 2 game folder: https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk. You need a Vulkan-compatible GPU. The wrapper can greatly improve the experience with the mod. With DXVK I can play the mod on a mere Intel UHD 710, whereas without it the mod would always crash to desktop. Go to Sound and set Sound Channels to 32. We got reports that 16 is not enough and will cause crashes on some systems, due to the higher quality sounds included within the mod. The mod is pretty heavy for the game engine despite huge optimizations. Strike Fighters 2's engine is 32bit only and apparently does not manage VRAM properly; consecutive campaign missions might show black/missing textures on objects or cause crashes to desktop because the game does not release the occupied VRAM from the previous mission you played, thus the more missions are loaded consecutively, the more easily you may run out of memory. Set Ground Objects to Medium or Low, Horizon Distance to Near, and Shadows to Medium or Low. These are the most troubling settings. Avoid Unlimited settings as much as possible. If the mod used to work and suddenly crashes to desktop, updating or reinstalling video drivers should help. Make sure that DirectX June 2010 Redistributables are also installed, they are included inside the ISO disk image of the mod. Inside the mod folder, you'll find some extra text files. "(Coalition Order of Battle)" should be of your interest; the mod's terrain covers the entirety of Iraq, at the cost of not having all of Saudi Arabia; this means that a number of important units are based on airbases that are beyond the in-game playable area. With those units you always spawn near the target area, you'll never get to start from a runway nor to land on the assigned runway beyond the invisible wall. You have an entire list of the affected units in the aforementioned text file. By pressing ALT+N, the plane returns to base automatically. The mod is fully compatible with the Campaign Customizer and Mission Editor DLCs by ThirdWire. The Campaign Customizer might be an alternative way to experience those off map units I mentioned previously, since it assigns you to a random airbase of the in-game flyable area. Escort missions are often broken, this is not an issue of the mod, but a bug of the stock game; sometimes the AI flight you escort does not engage its target and keeps flying in a straight line instead of following waypoints, thus the trigger for mission success will never happen. Abandon the mission or retry it if the issue happens, sometimes it works. Pray for ThirdWire AKA Tsuyoshi Kawahito to work on a 64bit version of Strike Fighters 2, maybe even with support for DirectX 12. With that done, any out of memory issues should become an old memory. Submitter Menrva Submitted 01/16/2021 Category User Made Campaigns  
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      Dev Blog №1

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        What is it about?
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      Dev Blog №1 (il2-korea.com)
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      OH-58D Kiowa Warrior
      Now Available as Mission Ready

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      Kiowa Warriors serving in the US Army took part in a number of operations including:
      Operation Prime Chance 1988 Operation Just Cause 1989 Desert Storm 1991 RAID 1989 - 1994 Peace Implementation Forces (IFOR) 1995 - 1996 Operation Enduring Freedom Operation Iraqi Freedom The US Army retired the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior in 2017 having accumulated over 800,000 combat hours. It continues to serve with the armed forces of Croatia, Greece, Taiwan and Tunisia to this day.
      Key Features of the DCS: OH58D Kiowa Warrior:
      Realistic hand crafted flight model with high precision characteristics of this light helicopter in all ranges of altitude, temperatures and speeds for different weights, flight configurations and conditions. Highly detailed fully clickable glass cockpit with full VR support Can be flown single-player or in multi-crew with a friend Voiced pilot AI assistant Fully modeled armament and weapons systems, including the M3P machine gun, 2,75” rockets, AGM-114K Hellfire anti tank guided missile with four firing modes, APKWS laser-guided rockets, FIM-92 Air-To-Air Stinger system and the handheld M4 rifle with 6DOF functionality when used with VR hand controllers Detailed modeling of the entire electrical, fuel, hydraulic, pneumatic, SCAS and radio systems Full range of sensors and aircraft survivability systems including the Mast Mounted Sight with TV and FLIR cameras, Laser Rangefinder/Designator system, AN/APR-39 Radar Detector, AN/ALQ-144 IR Jammer, AN/AVR-2 Laser Detector, AN/AAR-57 Common Missile Warning System and Flare & Chaff Dispenser Rotorcraft Map System with moving map, digital elevation map, real-time display of navigation and target data Improved Data Modem that allows for Kiowa-to-Kiowa text messaging, target sharing and Remote Hellfire Missions Level 2 Manned-Unmanned System with its capability to display the video feed from a drone sensor or the camera feed of another player OH-58D Kiowa Warrior aircraft Full Night-Vision support with the helmet mounted Optical Display Assembly and gun-mounted IZLID laser pointer Data Cartridge for storing and loading mission data in a web-compatible format Advanced damage modeling and failures for aircraft systems and components Optional Pilot Display Unit heads up display Over 60 liveries including various US Army, Croatian, Greek, Taiwanese and Tunisian units as well as a number of fictional liveries from around the world The DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior is now available for you to download. Enjoy!
      Flaming Cliffs 2024
      Planned Launch Date
      Flaming Cliffs (FC) 2024 will expand the series with the inclusion of three new aircraft: the FC: F-5E, FC: F-86F, and FC: MiG-15bis. These aircraft are designed to be less complex and easier-to-learn, making them ideal for players who prefer a more straightforward flight simulation experience. The new models come with DCS Professional Flight Models that ensure a high level of realism.
      The F-5E is equally capable of air combat and unguided-ground strikes. Its arsenal includes infrared-guided ‘Sidewinder’ missiles and two cannons for close-in air combat. It is also equipped with a radar that can detect targets beyond visual range. For ground attack, the F-5E carries a large array of unguided bombs and rockets.
      The F-86F is a legendary fighter of the Korean War era. It is a very capable dogfighter armed with 50 calibre machine guns and early infrared-guided air-to-air missiles. In skillful hands, it was more than a match against other aircraft of the era and a fierce rival to the MiG-15. The F-86F can also be armed with unguided bombs and rockets for ground attack.
      The MiG-15bis was a revolutionary fighter when introduced during the Korean War and outmatched anything in the skies until the arrival of the F-86. It was a small and light fighter but very rugged and tough. Loved by all its pilots it is an outstanding dogfighter when flown to its strengths. It’s armed with both two 23mm guns and a single 37mm cannon that can inflict severe damage. 
      Existing Flaming Cliffs 3 owners with F-15C, A-10A, Su-27, J-11, Su-33, Su-25, MiG-29, and MiG-29S, can upgrade to the new version for a early mover $9.99 USD fee, offering an affordable way to enjoy these great additions. This special offer will only be available until the end of July, thereafter the upgrade price will increase to $14.99. You can also purchase the FC: F-5E, FC: F-86F, and FC: MiG-15bis individually for the price of $14.99 USD each.
        Supercarrier Air Boss
      Development Progress
      One of the new features coming soon to DCS: Supercarrier is the Air Boss (Primary Flight) deck. This offers fun new features that will allow you to steer your Supercarrier, monitor the flight deck, adjust ship lights, monitor the airspace around you, view Landing Signal Officer information, and have a command view of “the roof”. Air Boss control can be assigned roles in both single player and multiplayer missions. This will add a new dimension for online carrier operations. 
      Coming soon are the new plane ‘directors’ that will help direct aircraft from their parking spaces to a catapult and from the landing box to a parking space. This functionality is now complete for single player and we continue to work on the much more complex task of implementing for multiplayer. Stay tuned!
      New Feature
      Our new DCS Launcher will provide a more intuitive interface to set your options before starting DCS. The DCS Launcher will allow you to efficiently organise modules, check for updates, and access various settings from a single location. This update is part of our ongoing efforts to improve the accessibility and functionality of DCS. We aim for the DCS Launcher to be the focus for all DCS information relevant to modules including documentation, training videos, data related to liveries, joystick profiles and much more!
      Features Coming Soon
      The DCS Launcher will continue to evolve with the addition of several exciting features:
      Documentation Training Videos Liveries (texture templates) Hardware Profiles We are very excited about Flaming Cliffs 2024 dropping soon and the amazing new features coming to DCS: Supercarrier. Please let us know your thoughts on the new Launcher and see you next week!
      (Content from Eagle Dynamics)
    • By MigBuster

      We are delighted to announce that the DCS: F-4E Phantom II by Heatblur Simulations is available for download! This highly anticipated module introduces one of the most iconic fighters of the 20th century to DCS that provides a thrilling and highly-realistic experience across a variety of missions and terrains. Please see the launch Trailer.
      Heatblur Simulations has added several novel features to the F-4E such as depth of sub-system modeling, an in-cockpit manual, the ability to write on the canopy, new weapons, and much more! This module adheres to the highest standards of virtual reality, and is the most authentic simulation of the “Lead Sled” ever made for the PC.
      Please make sure to update your DCS to the latest version so that you too can enjoy the Phantom! The latest version also includes long-awaited F-5E Tiger II fixes, a brand new F/A-18C Green Line Campaign, new F-16C Viper and AH-64D features and more. Enjoy!
      Thank you for your passion and support.
          F-4E Phantom II
      Out Now in Early Access
      The F-4E, first flew on the 30th of June, 1967, and entered service in 1968. It became the most numerous version built with 1,397 examples manufactured. The “E” is distinguishable from other variants by its internal centerline 20mm M61A1 Vulcan cannon, with 640 rounds. 
      In addition to the internal cannon, the F-4E includes an impressive variety of air-to-air and air-to-ground weaponry. In air-to-air combat, the F-4E can employ both radar-guided AIM-7 Sparrow and infrared-guided AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles. The F-4E is a very powerful fighter that, in the right hands, can be a potent dogfight adversary. In the air-to-ground role, the F-4E offers a wide array of unguided bombs, rockets, and guided munitions like the AGM-65 Maverick, AGM-62 Walleye, and radar-seeker AGM-45 Shrike.
      Heatblur created a deep-simulation of the F-4E radar and Pave Spike targeting pod that accurately mimics the operation, strengths, and weaknesses of these systems.
      Leveraging the “Jester” AI system, Heatblur has expanded and improved upon this system to provide unique and intuitive means to work with your AI Weapon System Officer in the back seat.  Whether you're engaging in historical missions, testing your skills in dogfights, or simply enjoying the power of the beast, the F-4E delivers an amazing level of detail.
      Steam Special Launch Promotion
      For a limited time period of 7 days, you can take advantage of a special -20% discount on your purchase of the F-4E Phantom II as a thank you to our dedicated community for your unwavering support and patience.
        DCS Update
      Development Progress
      The latest update for DCS included several enhancements and bug fixes. Notably, improvements have been made to the environment visual effects like updated propeller and jet wash effects. Other additions include new pilot models and animations for the F-16C and F/A-18C, new Fire Control Radar functions for the AH-64D, new weapon fuse configuration options for many western aircraft, integration of the Massun Asset Pack, and more. Additionally, communication bugs post-takeoff in the ATC system and in multiplayer data link scenarios causing FPS drops have been addressed. For the detailed list of all changes, please read the full changelog.
      Thank you for your continued support. We are excited to receive your feedback on the F-4E Phantom II and look forward to your reviews!
      Thank you again for your passion and support
      (Content from Eagle Dynamics)  
    • By MigBuster

      The Boeing CH-47F Chinook fondly referred to as ‘The Hook’ by US military personnel, stands today as the premier multi-mission rotary wing aircraft in use with the US Army, US Army Reserve, National Guard and 20 other nations including Canada, the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Japan, Italy, Greece, Spain, South Korea, Australia, Türkiye, India and the United Arab Emirates. Embodying a unique tandem rotor design this massive helicopter excels in all its roles, including cargo and troop transportation, sling load operations, search and rescue, casualty evacuation, special operations, and humanitarian assistance in disaster scenarios.
      Engineered for exceptional stability and control, the CH-47F twin engine, tandem rotor configuration ensures maximum agility and facilitates straightforward loading and unloading procedures. This design uniquely positions the CH-47F for operation in environments inaccessible to others. The absence of tail rotor interference permits rear ramp access on varied terrains, including unprepared or mountainous locations, capitalising on its remarkable landing capability. Furthermore, the aircraft's design facilitates high-altitude flight up to 20,000 feet, surpassing other helicopters in its weight category.
      The CH-47F is equipped with a state-of-the-art, fully integrated digital cockpit management system; the Common Avionics Architecture System (CAAS) Cockpit, in synergy with a Digital Automatic Flight Control System (DAFCS). These advanced systems enhance cargo-handling efficiency while significantly boosting mission performance and all weather situational awareness. CH-47F also offers side and rear door gunner positions, a radar warning receiver with chaff and flare dispensers for auto protection.
      With the capability to cover extensive distances swiftly, the CH-47F can be outfitted with extended range fuel tanks and is compatible with air-to-air refuelling, thus extending its operational range further than ever before. This capability underscores the aircraft’s adaptability and endurance, making it a formidable asset in any fleet.
      In total some 1'200 plus CH-47 helicopters of all variants were delivered. This icon of a war machine saw combat service in all the major theatres since its inception, notably Vietnam, Iran, Libya, The Falklands, The Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan. 
      Capabilities of the CH-47F
      Tandem Rotor Design: The CH-47F features a distinctive tandem rotor system with two counter-rotating rotors. This design provides exceptional handling qualities and allows for a large lift capacity, which is crucial for carrying heavy payloads. The absence of a tail rotor also enhances safety in confined areas and simplifies maintenance, offering unhindered rear cargo and troop loading in addition to side door access. Powerful Performance: Powered by two Honeywell T55-GA-714A engines, the CH-47F offers impressive power and performance. These engines deliver up to 4,868-shaft-horsepower combined, enabling the aircraft to reach speeds over 175 mph (282 km/h) with a payload of more than 21,000 pounds (9,500kg). Cargo Handling and Versatility: The CH-47F's large cargo hold can accommodate a wide variety of loads, from standard palletized goods to vehicles and artillery, as well as the fuel cells for “Fat Cow” operations. Its rear-loading ramp and three external cargo hooks provide multiple options for loading and unloading, facilitating efficient logistics operations under diverse conditions. Advanced Avionics and Systems: The “glass-cockpit” of the CH-47F is equipped with advanced avionics, including a Rockwell Collins Common Avionics Architecture System (CAAS) cockpit, BAE Systems' Digital Advanced Flight Control System (DAFCS), night vision-compatible displays, and modern navigation systems. These enhancements improve situational awareness and flight safety, particularly in challenging environments. Crew Capacity and Configuration: Typically operated by a crew of three (two pilots and a flight engineer), the CH-47F can also carry up to 3 gunners.  Enhanced Survivability: Advanced countermeasures suite, which includes radar warning receivers and infrared countermeasures. Its rugged airframe and systems redundancy are designed to withstand significant damage. The CH-47F is an essential component of any military or humanitarian fleet, capable of performing in the most demanding situations. Its enduring design and continual updates ensure that it will remain a key player in aviation for years to come. 
      Key Features of the DCS: CH-47F for early access release:
      Highly detailed external and internal modelling, including cockpit and cargo hold Unmatched helicopter flight dynamics that only DCS can provide Fully interactive, VR-ready cockpit  Full set of features will be announced prior to early access Pre-purchase yours today!
      Don’t miss the exclusive 30% discount during the pre-purchase phase. Hurry! This offer only lasts until launch.
      (Text from Eagle Dynamics)

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