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LFG Roland D.II

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Something about the logo on the Roland's propeller. This is the same Russian trophy.


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I think I can make some changes to improve the aileron control mechanism. I'm hoping to work on it this weekend.

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I hope to have revisions to the D.II finished tomorrow. Then I'll start the changes for the D.IIa

Edited by Stephen1918

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I have uploaded a revised Roland D.II. I exaggerated the motion of the aileron controls as much as I dared. It's an improvement, but still hard to notice if you're not looking for it.


I also made different decal sets for the Pfalz and LFG versions of the plane. Both versions use the standard insignia, but in real life they were a little different.


I added an animation to the machine guns in the cockpit. Now you can at least tell if they're firing, since you can't see them otherwise.


I also made some minor tweaks to the skins and model, since I was at it anyway.


The DIIa will take a while because I'll have to reskin the fuselage after the changes are made. I also have a SPAD 11 started which I want to get back to.





Edited by Stephen1918
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Looking better and better.  :biggrin:

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Well, Steve, you did a great job. This is better, but still wrong (please, don't be angry at me).

1. Judging by the photos, the aileron controls looked different when they were working. Look closely at the pictures I posted. In addition, the "quadrants" was not visible from the bottom of the wing, but only from the top. As you rightly wrote, "it's an improvement, but still hard to notice if you're not looking for it" ;)

2. The crosses on the tail of the Roland-built D.II, in fact, were much larger. Also on the fuselage.

3. Note that the tailplane bracing wires of your model is much shorter than should be.

It would only waste your time. So sorry, Steve. Maybe you will consider these comments when working on a model of the Roland D.IIa.

Best wishes.


Edited by Crowford

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Crowford, thank you for your comments. Sometimes when a person is very familiar with a subject, they notice things that others don't see. I need to study the aileron controls on the Roland some more because I don't see what you're seeing.

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I don't see what you're seeing.

You are right. )) I'll try to explain. I'm sorry that I misled you. Earlier I have compared an aileron controls of the Roland D.II with the Nieuports. The similarity with the Nieuport is really there, but quite remote. Also I incorrectly named the part of this mechanism as "quadrant" (by analogy with the Nieuport). Actually it's not a "quadrant", but aileron control crank. In fact, it worked almost exactly the same as on the Halberstadt CL.II/IV - they are still preserved in museums (one such is in exposition of the National museum of the USAF). Take a look at the photo and you will understand everything.

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I found an illustration of the aileron control for the Roland C.II. Not exactly the same as the D.II, but at least I understood how it worked. That and the other photos Crowford posted brought me to this. The screen shot shows the aileron mechanism at full extension during a hard right roll.


The decals and tail support were easy fixes.





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No, I didn't mean the Roland C.II. I talking exactly about the Halberstadt CL.II / CL.IV. For some reason the pictures didn't attach yesterday (and today too). But, nevertheless, you understood me correctly.

Edited by Crowford
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I have uploaded Version 3 of the Roland D.II - with corrected aileron controls, corrected decal sets for LFG and Pfalz versions, corrected tail and rudder details. My thanks to Crowford for all his help getting this right, and for Beta-testing version 3.


If we find any other problems, let's just pretend they're field mods...





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thanks for all the hard work and patience that you have put into these uploads. It is very appreciated. Am I the ony one who noticed the remark about the SPAD XI? I'm giddy as hell over that ;) if memory serves there was just an engine change between that and the SPAD XVI?

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Yep. The SPAD XI is coming after the Roland DIIa. The SPAD XI model is mostly done, I'm finishing the cockpit and doing the skins. The SPAD XVI had a bigger engine than the XI, and they but valve covers outside the fuselage, making the bumps like you see in the SPAD XIII. The XI didn't have them. It shouldn't be too much extra work to make the XVI too.

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Yep. The SPAD XI is coming after the Roland DIIa. The SPAD XI model is mostly done, I'm finishing the cockpit and doing the skins. The SPAD XVI had a bigger engine than the XI, and they but valve covers outside the fuselage, making the bumps like you see in the SPAD XIII. The XI didn't have them. It shouldn't be too much extra work to make the XVI too.


One of the definitive refs for French aircraft - French Aircraft of the First World War - confirms the SPAD XVI was basically a SPAD XI with a more powerful engine.  There was some structural strengthening (for the heavier, more powerful engine) but it was internal and not visible.  As you pointed out, the only real visual difference was the larger valve covers.


Edited by Geezer
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If we find any other problems, let's just pretend they're field mods...

Such mods like in these photos, you mean? :)



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