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Different CAG and CO schemes

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It's amazing how there are different cag and co paint schemes for the jets I wonder how come cags and cos have colors and the line jets don't

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1. Because teh line jets are tactical, reduced visibility

2. Because the boss gets the goodies to include colorful jets

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That and also the US Navy allows one "show bird" for each squadron, even though squadrons like VFA-213 and -102 have two (CAG and "102" and "213").  Again it's a big change over from Vietnam-era days where all tactical (Line) jets were just the same color as CAG aircraft (Gull Grey and White, etc).  Maybe in an actual war (other than OEF/OIF) they'll tone the paint down but overall given that OEF/OIF wasn't WWIII it didn't matter.


And on that note CAG schemes do change when they change CAGs, with one notable exception of VFA-102, which has had the same scheme for nearly a decade or so, but keeping up is a real pain in the ass sometimes.  Like you just get done with finding and skinning one, and next thing you know you see a new CAG scheme from the same squadron....

Edited by EricJ
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I don't think VFA-2 or VFA-103 are going to change their CAG schemes ever.

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True, though the CO schemes are changing, where NE101 used to be like NE100 now it's "old school" and same with the CO bird, totally different.

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