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Woe is me,, will I ever hit the target,, with a Intruder,, not to fear underware man is here,,




any tips on carrier landing outside of using auto pilot



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Hi Yubba,


For the bombing, i start at about 10k altitude and at 10 miles i go in a slow descent. I usually drop at about 6 miles from target, 7k altitude and my hit percentage is about 90% (but i had to practice that A LOT to get there). If you have the little bombing crossair it is really easy to hit, even more if you remove the cockpit from you FOW. If you do level bombing it gets frustrating more often then not.


As for the landing, there is no secret. I usually cut throttle to 20%, full flaps out with the airbrakes out. I slightly move my view to the left and a little up as by this way a see more easely the deck.

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I bought wings over Europe Vietnam Israel but they don't work for windows 8

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thanks Frenchie,, pics above was of a successful level bombing run at 15,000ft,,, I changed out the avionics with the B-52s and cockpit pic of radar screen

Edited by yubba

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Ok,, for you belly draggers that like to brush and twiggs out of you tail,,,level radar bombing under 5000ft,,

RangeSetting[1]=6    <---------add this,, now this is the b-52 avionics package matter of fact I'm going pur this in the buff

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that was liked to pull brush and twiggs out of your tail ,,, honesty I didn't know where my head was at,, tested it,, took aaa gun out at 1000ft level radar attack it took 3 passes but I got him pickled 4 500pounders a mile out with 250 millseconds going check tables on radar alts and speed

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if you hadn't read my thread Limb Bone how low can go I revised radar settings to 3, 6, 10, 20, 40. 

3mi. 1/2way point in scope 1000ft 400+knots....  6mi.1/2point 5,000-10,000 400+knts... 10mi.1/2point 15,000-20,000

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Use a full-screen HUD, so that you can see the fpm.

Aim for the bridge.

Place fpm at far end of deck.

Drift left just as you're getting real close, and line-up with angled deck.

I had to keep practising until I got it right. Sometimes, I still have to bolter.

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