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Screen Shot or Composite

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I saw this screenshot posted by Dunois. I sent him a note asking what SF package gives you so much airbase action. I suspect this was a composite image using in game screenshot and added graphics but  If any one can provide that information that would be great. I know YAP has that for carriers but where does this come from?



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Is a composition, AFAIK he takes the screenshot on SF2 and then mix it with real photos. The results are out of the SF2 league.


Maybe is possible to place those 2d figures in our bases, but not sure they will look cool enough. Some trucks with 3d humans (like in the pic) or parking spots with manteineance guys around will add live to our airports.

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I do believe the Ulyanovsk class carrier in the downloads section here comes with a couple of deck crew modeled as part of the main lod.

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a couple of deck crew modeled as part of the main lod.


as do many ships, including some destroyers


a pity that it isn't "real" in game, even with YAP ground/terrain objects (which I thought they might be originally as they did create a LOT of airfield 'equipment' objects.

Gives a very false view of what SF2 looks like.

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