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Addon Carrier Causing Flap Issue

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Hi all, 


I have had the carrier light mod installed for quite some time now and have not had a problem with the ship until today. Up until now, I have been flying the FA-18's with automatic flaps and did not notice an issue where the flaps will seem to go down into the landing position once I become airborne. I noticed this only today when flying the F-14's and noticed the same problem with other aircraft including stock that have manual flaps. 


I tested the aircraft on another SF2 that I had not modded yet and the flaps do not have this problem. Therefore, I deduce that it must be something caused by the addon carrier though I do not know what could possibly be the problem. I did a quick search on here but the closest thing I saw was adjusting the settings for landing and takeoff which do not seem to be the problem since it works great on the unmodded version of SF2. Any help will be greatly appreciated. 





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Hi all, 


I have had the carrier light mod installed for quite some time now and have not had a problem with the ship until today. Up until now, I have been flying the FA-18's with automatic flaps and did not notice an issue where the flaps will seem to go down into the landing position once I become airborne. I noticed this only today when flying the F-14's and noticed the same problem with other aircraft including stock that have manual flaps. 


I tested the aircraft on another SF2 that I had not modded yet and the flaps do not have this problem. Therefore, I deduce that it must be something caused by the addon carrier though I do not know what could possibly be the problem. I did a quick search on here but the closest thing I saw was adjusting the settings for landing and takeoff which do not seem to be the problem since it works great on the unmodded version of SF2. Any help will be greatly appreciated. 








This problem seems to be only present when launching from the Nimitz Class Carriers. I will be looking for a possible solution and will keep you guys posted if I do find a solution. 

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AHHHH! This is happening to all the aircraft now regardless of what carrier I am taking off from. When taking off with wingmen from carrier, do any of you guys see the AI light their afterburners and lower down their flaps before taking off? I've attached a screenshot of the problem. 


Also, if you tell your wingman/flight to RTB, do they land on the carrier or do they seem to disappear at the last waypoint before you call the ball? I remember they used to land on carrier regardless but the AI now just disappears unless I attempt to land and they follow behind and land.


Maybe I just need to reinstall SF2...


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You might want to check the Key bindings on your modded install to eliminate the possibility of a botched control config.

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So let me understand this...you don't like the fact that carrier aircraft are engaging afterburners and going to full flaps prior to a cat launch?   That flap behavior is there by design on all naval aircraft in the series, and is controlled by an AI parameter in the aircraft's data.ini, under "flapsettings".  There are separate flap settings for takeoff, landing, and catapult launches.  


And BTW, full flaps and AB are SOP during cat shots in real life.


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Hi all,


Thanks for all the help. It seems that Fubar was right about full flaps being the norm for carrier ops for the AI and in real life. I was okay with the full AB but to see the flaps drop just as they were taking off seemed weird. Well, I can now resume flying knowing that this is normal behavior. Guess you learn something new every day. 


On a side note, does your AI wingman and flight take off automatically if you take too long to get airborne from a carrier? In North Atlantic with not patches installed which is like the March 2012 version, the planes will not take off until you release the brakes. However, I am noticing that my wingman in the July 2013 and flight all take off before I do and sometimes crash if I don't get airborne in time as they attempt to get into formation with me on the carrier. It really isn't a big deal but just something I want to check with everyone else to make sure everything's normal. 

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Yes if you wait too long the others in your flight will start to take off from the carrier.

My advice: take off straight away, or if you want to admire the outside views then either pause the game first or go to autopilot and your plane will take off while you have a look around.

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On a side note, does your AI wingman and flight take off automatically if you take too long to get airborne from a carrier? In North Atlantic with not patches installed which is like the March 2012 version, the planes will not take off until you release the brakes. However, I am noticing that my wingman in the July 2013 and flight all take off before I do and sometimes crash if I don't get airborne in time as they attempt to get into formation with me on the carrier. It really isn't a big deal but just something I want to check with everyone else to make sure everything's normal. 


That's been the case ever since carrier operations were introduced with the release of WoV, back in 2004.


The only issue that I've began to notice more often with the release of NA, was how the AI handles carrier approaches. Several older flight models have required updates to allow them to land without "missing" the arresting gear, due to AoA issues that begin manifesting themselves when they reach the final approach waypoint.

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