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A little late here but with regard to the naval Starfigher according to the images on the site Cocas linked to there were three different gun options proposed. One T-171 20mm rotary cannon, two T-182 30mm cannons, or four 20mm Mk12 cannons. As such all three of the cannon options being discussed were possibilities. I wonder how close the T-182 30mm prototype was in design to the ADEN and DEFA series cannons?


What looks odd to me is that in this diagram all three gun options have 500 rounds of ammo listed. From what I have been able find the T-182 was a 30mm weapon. If so then it was probably designed to use NATO standard 30mm ammunition, assuming that the same total amount of mass was given to gun ammunition in all three options, then based upon the difference in mass per round of 20mm and 30mm the ammo capacity for the T-182 option should be a total of 250 to 300 rounds for a per gun load of between 125 and 150 rounds. That amount per gun of 30mm is in line with contemporary British and French fighters. 



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there still on the table its more or less to add i rolled back beacouse its easyer to make the templet for 4 guns and then edit for 2 or 3 guns or just one only his no vulcan or his the T-171 the vulcan?

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there still on the table its more or less to add i rolled back beacouse its easyer to make the templet for 4 guns and then edit for 2 or 3 guns or just one only his no vulcan or his the T-171 the vulcan?


T-171 is the Vulcan prototype.

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the MiG his near done







since i was following and using Gepard´s MiG-17K there now two version K and K_67 whit the extra missile rack shown here

for radar version like KP and KP_67 im not sure how  i am  going to processed yet need to think about it!

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is the question "what if, aircraft had landing gear"?




(couldn't resist!!)

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those almost look like XF-109 engine pods....

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I know, I did a lot of work on it for Veltro!!

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