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A few  things:

First, does anybody knows the mesh name for the windscreen/windshield?


Second (and this is more of a request), I just noticed that most pto P-51D's had a twin antenna masts arrangement insted of the usual single mast PLUS a third mast sticking out from the bottom between the main wheel doors...so, would it be too much to ask the 3d gurus to make a fake pilot object for this? No rush!

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My installs has locked lods. 

Where have you been for the last 6 months?  Mue's LOD viewer doesn't care.

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Well then I need instructions cuz so far I haven't figured out how to do it.

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double click the lod viewer exe, 

navigate to the aircraft's folder in you game install

double click the aircraft main ini




you can view it. not that hard, is it??  :biggrin:

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amariani, those P-51s with the double antena (and plus minor details) were the so-called VLR (Very Long Range). They were based on Iwo Jima and Okinawa for escort the B-29s. Check the following:










Note the extra undernose antena and the wood made anti-sway braces for the wing tanks. They were unique features for this VLR P-51Ds. These extra item could be add via Fake Pilot method if ever modelled. :biggrin:

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Maybe its just me but I can't get the lod viewer to open the stock lods. If anybody here cared to explain the process (step by step) to me from the initial installation it would be very much appretiated.

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Man, it´s as easy as breathing... Just install Mue´s Tool Box - that´s all! When the program (Lod Viewer) is open, go to the "Extra/Settings , add your program location not forgeting to set the "CAT file access" enable. Hope this helps. :good:

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Did you make it?

Yes, thank you!

I was trying this: different canopy colors.

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Yes, thank you!

I was trying this: different canopy colors.

Why don´t you try to paint in red the "Exhaust_Base_L/R"? Actually, most late war Stangs had their exhaust covers removed. :biggrin:

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Why don´t you try to paint in red the "Exhaust_Base_L/R"? Actually, most late war Stangs had their exhaust covers removed. :biggrin:

Good idea!! Could use decals for individual aircraft!!

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