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CombatAce Buddy Check 22 A Day

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There is an epidemic among veterans that has to stop. 22 Vets a day are taking their lives. PTSD is the leading cause. This has to stop, so Vets here at CombatAce if you know someone at risk say something, get them help.


I have talked to a few Vets who were going to pull the trigger and got them help at Battle in Distress. It is a wonderful resource. The link is below, remember you are not alone. 



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that's a damn shame.. hope the "war" on saving them will succeed!

Edited by Nesher
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I have at least three of such... or how to say. I know what it means. Not sure what others feel, but no healthy people come home from a war. Even if in one piece..


Answers you want. Meaning.


What helps maybe.. calm happy life with loving family. far from "civilization". No TV, no politics, no violence.


on another planet...

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Yes no one is the some when they get back. 

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