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ok, using Mue's tool, one can see 'bounding boxes', hit boxes, and all data inis call for the following


min/max extensions (which I assume are the hit boxes? cause when I change them, the hit boxes move)


collision points -- which, if I understand correctly, are the 'contact points' for collisions with The Ground ™ and other aircraft


and the aforementioned bounding box -- which is exactly what??


some of the questions are:


why can't I use the bounding box specs for a hit box, say for an engine. I tried that, and the "green hit box" (as seen in the lod viewer) doesn't show.


if pictures would help, let me know...as I'll have to hide all but the relevant meshes (secret project, doncha know!)


Setting these things up is a fracking nightmare!!! Would they be easier set in MAX by the modeler or what??

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unfortunately, I haven't learned MAX yet, even though I have 2009.




I can sure pass that along to the modeler!! It'll save time from using the LOD viewer



I figured out my issue with the engine nacelles -- that hit box goes into the ENGINE section, not the component listing section!! Who'd thunk it!!

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With LodViewer, you can copy and paste the co-ords and node names too.

Simply click on the desired co-ords/node name in the list and use the standard CTRL+C  to copy it... CTRL+V to insert into the data ini or elsewhere.

To copy XYZ position, move the mouse over a mesh to the desired point, then mouse left-click followed by CTRL+C .. etc..

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for a mesh you only need 3 collision point co-ords the game can work out the last from the 1st three....as it must be the opposite corners co-ords in reverse...  got thatt ?  lol

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kev from looking at the lod viewer...use the bounding box co-ords...they seem closer to the mesh ,rather than the green hit boxes....select mesh....select bounding box view....save out to txt file...hey presto..highlighted.....Fuselage_P  (nose) co-ords  done...mostr models have min max settings anyways....its not absolutly rq`d to have them for minor stuff


Edited by russouk2004

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you mean the "save as info txt" function?


it gives something like this...(just the first few lines)



<Node Name> <Material ID> <Bounding Box>
Fuselage 0 (-1.072,-2.168,-2.012) (1.068,4.184,0.6327)
 FORFuselage 0 (-1.066,4.184,-2.012) (1.062,9.743,0.6241)
  NOSE 0 (-0.9421,9.69,-2.009) (0.9389,10.96,0.216)



now, using these 2 sets of 3 co-ords,  they can set the hit boxes (and I'll be needing to add 3 more component listings based on how the fuselage is broken up, but that's not a biggie. just have no aero statements)


now the next big question:

can these also be used for the collision points; as stated in the original data in, they're WAAAAAAAAAYY off from the mesh coordinates


the numbers are, I hopefully assume, are the bounding boxes (I had 'show all BBs')..



below is the screenie of the hit box on the engine nacelle, as using the bounding box numbers. looks good to me!!

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yes kev m8   if you look at the green "hit Boxes"...they seem too far off imho

The two co-ords are   top left and bottom right...which really is all you need for a mesh...as game works out the rest as they are opposites of the others..

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