+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 21, 2016 Nearly there.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 21, 2016 And something for RC26 (to be completed before release anyway, just untextured): It's fully functional, flies (and thanks to firewill for some config help as well) but doesn't shoot yet. So far I'm calling it an MQ-17 <Something> so far. Again it flies, can be controlled but also will get it more finished for RC26 to have some kind of functional UAV as when I get more feedback from a tester.... which brings me to this point. I am also looking for Quality testers as one is a bit more busy than usual and he does great work, just he's a bit busy so any help with the UH-60s would be appreciated. PM me or whatnot and I'll add you to the PM thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 21, 2016 Finalizing the design: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 23, 2016 Okay managed to figure out the issue with the rotors, and fixed that issue so Tuesday or earlier (depending on how I feel) I can get RC26 out. The MQ-12 will be named the Hawk for now as a placeholder (I don't want it conflicting with the Bell helo) but Fire Ant may still be considered, we'll see. Given that probably that the preferred UV Mapper may be busy I'll probably have the Rattler configured Hawk as well as a simple unarmed Lift version for basic resupply. I can talk with some people about adding it to mods but other than that it will require the Helo DLC until other things work out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 23, 2016 Size comparison between the Hawk and the Falcon: Weapons testing: And some caps on the ducted fans for a more detailed additions: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 23, 2016 Did some face sharpening on the nose area: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 23, 2016 After finally realizing I was missing a few lines of code finally got the Rattlers and Hellfires to actually hit something at long range, also shows a tweaked IR Scanner (or "radar", or whatever): Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 24, 2016 A few things more: - MEV UH-60s have the dust filters removed on the intakes given more recent shots - Will add the ineffectual rescue hoist back on the SOAR helos. - Tweaked some Shadow LODs to have more detail Cargo MQ-17, and decided to go with a 400 kg limit, which should be more than enough for any milsim unit (that has the Helo DLC until I can find another way for non-DLC owners to work with): As well as able to be battlefield recovered (have to adjust the points still): Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 25, 2016 After some testing on my own found out that 500kg is a good option as for some reason normal VAS/Supply boxes are more than 400kg, so I figured it would make sense. I may look into small containers, though not sure given the plethora that is both available in mods and of course vanilla stuff. Tomorrow looks like a good release day as some testers gave some good feedback so hopefully things are good enough for a release. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 25, 2016 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtQkxPX1E4ZHdXdjA/view?usp=sharing /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EricJ UH-60 pack for A3 RC26- USMC Faction has a proper icon for that element of the US Navy- Added a "Squad Leader" position on the MH-92, with a monitor to see the FLIR feed from the copilot.- Added a Black River PMC specific configured UH-60M- ASRAAMs show up properly on the wing rails of the AH-96s- AH-96 CP/G controls the gun now.- Removed the "AH-6" and "MH-6", as it's recommended for quality versions see the MELB by Diesel5187 and SykoCrazy- Added a Prowler (Repair) and (Medevac) versions to support Armaverse 160th SOAR assets while forward deployed. Due to lack of art assets they look like Prowler (Unarmed) until templates are available to make distinguishing differences.- Added a specific "Squad Leader" position on the MH-92, allowing that designated person to see what the CP/G sees (when used), allowing various units to use the recon capabilities of the FLIR system.- Tweaked FFV firing spots for all aircraft and added positions to the UH-60M/NATO/Unarmed/Unarmed ESSS as well as the UH-92/NATO versions- Added FFV positions for the Black River PMC UH-60M and tweaked the Raven PMC UH-92 arcs of fire- Updated ACE3 seeker code for the Hellfires and Rattlers.- Fixed the missing texture error for the now renamed "Multicam Flight Suit", classname will remain the same, as well now allows "clan sign" on the right shoulder patch area- Fixed apparently a missing cargo proxy, now regular UH-60Ms can carry a full 12 people- Fixed the dyslexic setup for the UH-92 (RWG)- Fixed AH-96 Gunner FLIR MFD, now views correctly (FLIR) and properly tracks the gun/sighting system movement)- Adjusted the USMC textures, in lieu of the AH-1Z mod.- Tweaked main rotor radius values to account for real world lengths, ducted fan helos can now get in tighter areas- AH-96s now have faction specific models. USMC and US Army will have Falchions, while NATO versions will have ASRAAMs.- Improved View and fire geometries of all aircraft.- Added incremented visual SOAR MH-60s and MH-92 updates to reflect real world appearances as well as future additions for the MH-92s- Tweaked MH-60M DAP and Insertion FMs to be slighly heavier and takes more effort to get to speed (still WIP) in response due to real world upgrades- Enabled Co-Pilot ability and allowed ACE3 Self-Designation for a few DAPs- SOAR MH-60 pilots can see CP/G FLIR view through an MFD page as well as FLIR equipped MH-60S helos.- Fixed Hellfire and Rattler inaccuracy issues- Tweaked XX-92 TADS systm animation- Tweaked aircraft textures, mainly the XX-60, XX-92, and S-94 textures- Enabled Fast roping via ACE3 menu commands. Note only specific military aircraft can use this (transport versions only).- Fixed "ghost weapons" on S-94s, now completely unarmed (and it's own class).- Added a requested simple black scheme for the S94s and UH-92s- Removed military equipment from the S-94s, giving a more distinct appearance to the models- Tweaked RVMATs to reduce some unneeded rendering inside and outside- Improved UH-92 cockpits using some Ghost Hawk textures to update them a bit as well as removing unneeded geometries- Cleaned up flare launching points on the XX-92s- Added a new UCAV, the MQ-17 for now. It is flyable and can do things, but so far is intentionally untextured, and is a UAV (thanks to firewill for helping me get it coded right)- Rattler and Hellfire kinematics improved- Also added a pure Cargo version of the MQ-17, able to lift 500kg of equipment. Like the armed version is untextured intentionally- Slowed down the Blackhawks and XX-92s to represent more of a military "feel", i.e. more hardware and so on.- Fixed the Collision Lights on the XX-92s as well as the S-94sKNOWN ISSUE:- ACE3 Locking is somehow not working based on feedback from testers, so keep that in mind until the code is fixed or what the issue is and finally fixed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 26, 2016 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtaWg4Qm9nRWgzQjA/view?usp=sharing ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RC27.1- Added more updated external differences of the MH-60M and DAP versions, with the MH-60M showing the start of the update phase (Still incremental)- Fixed FLIR balls mainly on the USN helos, replaced them with correct models Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 26, 2016 And some container work: Right now after getting this done I'm going to switch to some gun work, mainly some black SCAR versions and see what else comes along. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 26, 2016 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtaXVZOEpxRVQzc3M/view?usp=sharing ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EricJ UH-60 Pack RC27.2- Fixed various memory points on various helicopters to prevent the control sticks going into the top of the cockpit or moving with the hand inputs- Fixed camo selections on the MH-60M- Added more incremented updates to the DAP and SOAR MH-60Ms- Fixed missing Hellfires on the MH-60M DAP 4-pylon (HF/DAGR) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 27, 2016 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtSURTX3YtRjBxa0E/view?usp=sharing /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 27.3- Again fixed missing Hellfires on 4-pylon DAPs- Fixed a FlIR Ball geometry on the DAGR/HF DAP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 27, 2016 Some gun work, adding some more requested black versions of the SCAR family: UH-60 pack: - Aduke328 managed to fit in his schedule UV Mapping the MQ-17, so when able I'll post some WIP shots. Right now I'm going for a basic "NATO" scheme (Green) and may do others. I really don't know if SOAR would go for it given their line of work but may or may not do a specific version (but who knows depending on SME guidance) for that org, but overall all will look the same. - More fixing of errors as well as more SOAR specific stuff will be done and possible redesign of the MH-92 birds as well depending on what comes to mind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 30, 2016 Some more gun pack work: Black River PMC Light Machine Gunner: I'm looking to do a Sniper, Squad Leader, and AT unit and that's fairly about as far as I should go, as they're designed to be a light semi-airmobile force and not too much vehicle work. I may end up moving the Black River PMC to the helos and making it that way, but not sure yet. UH-60 pack work: DAP IR Sensor work: And thanks to Aduke328 for UV Mapping the MQ-17: - FM tweaking is ongoing as slowing the DAPs down jacked up the pitch (and as well as yaw). Once some testers give me feedback I can get another updated version with an FM tweak out so nobody is crashing my helos because I screwed it up. I'm trying to keep it incremental as I want to just focus on some more gun stuff even though I peck at the helo stuff as well. Also a few things on the mind: - An American version of the Hind. Out of the question with the Blackhawks given the nature of current horsepower tech and even engine performance. Besides the couple SMEs say that while essentially they may be able to squeeze in a couple dudes in an emergency, there is no decided capability to have an American Hind and the DAPs will always remain so. It's what I did with the MH-92 (Assault) given that it would have at least more power to get at least a fire team lifted, and that's about it.Given some model references i may add some more stuff in the back but overall this dream of an American Hind has to be let go, as it's not happening. - Breaking off small bits here and there from my weapons pack. I know its quite a lot of shit in there but the flat out answer is no, it's not going to happen for the foreseeable future. As other than other modders various donations I do all the work, and now I have to maintain not only one version, but another version, i.e. I do all the work myself. Given I'm more independently owned and operated I don't feel like monitoring more than I have to. I may change my mind in the future but that would just swamp me anyway. I may have some time on my hands but believe it or not I don't want it to be dealing with maintaining smaller versions of the same mod, i.e. I hate duplicate work. I only did the Containers because I knew a lot of milsim units would like the capability to lift support containers without liking my helo mod. Other than that even that has fairly fallen by the wayside as I have a shitload of DAP work that is the main priority over most mods. - NVG stuff. Out of the question. A lot of people keep pestering me about separating the NVGs that Warlord554 donated. Given his guidance making just a separate PBO for the NVGs is out of the question. He gave me them and therefore he can dictate how I include it to a degree. There simply is no hope for this to happen so I would advise letting go and dealing with it. If he allowed a separate NVG mod then I'd do it in a heartbeat, but I took his guidance and feel the way its setup is good enough to honor his guidance on this matter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 31, 2016 Also another annoying issue: "No entryconfig.bin/CfgWeapons.Burst" Again for the millionth time it is not my UH-60 mod that's the problem. I have followed people's suggestions and still managed to create this error, even though the equipment is the same on all the birds. The fact is that there is some issue with the Independent side (the error pops up mainly with AAF gear and not my helos). What I would suggest is going to the A3 feedback tracker and submitting a report on this issue, as I have no control over what BIS does (they don't work for me, etc.) so I understand I thought I had fixed it but it started with 1.64, and not exclusively my mod. Again please refrain from complaining to me and going to the Arma 3 Feedback Tracker site. Thank you. As some of you may know, I also play The Division (the only 3rd person shooter I tolerate in all honesty) and through gameplay I have pretty much set my isghts (no pun intended) on the Covert SRS: Right now it is actually this from TurboSquid: http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/sniper-rifle-srs-dta-3d-model/810924 So it is a bought model and converted it for use with A3 as the video shows. Right now I'm only planning on having it set for .338 Lapua (that was just an accuracy showoff video) and generally showing it's ingame and works. Ballistics is from a 16-inch barrel with Lapua Scenar GB488 VLD as the basis for the round modeled. I may allow BIS ammo but right now feeds (as in real life) from a 5-round magazine. It should be noted I had to tweak the geometries a bit so it would look fairly presentable for game use (animation mainly as well as other graphical stuff). But it shoots, and also plan to do some camo variations, Tan, and Black (as also in real life). So that'll be the addition to the mod as far as weapons goes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted October 31, 2016 Some more SRS work, as apparently I used the wrong diffuse texture (will brighten it up, as it needs to be): Tan: Forest (supplied texture and will brighten it up a bit): And some field testing against some AAF participants: Unfortunately I forgot to mount the Ibex laser but yes it will take flashlight/lasers on the right side. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted November 1, 2016 Tweaked the textures a bit: Black: Forest: Khaki: Tan: And the requisite shot for the laser/light position: And fixed Readme: http://562.50megs.com/Arma3/Doc/Ultimax100readme.pdf Note that the readme has the upcoming classnames so should not be construed as a release, yet anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted November 1, 2016 Gun pack: - As for the rest I have a few units to tweak (the Raven Warfare Group may get this in lieu of the MAR-10. Note that ballistic performance is similar (one shot, one kill on average, high average) to the MAR-10 so it'll do it's job. I tested mainly on the AAF which is so far the more armored (or better body armor anyway) compared to the CSAT forces. Again this is based on vanilla armor and needless to say other mods will have varying performance. I have also switched out the Barrett .50 sounds for the MAR-10 sounds, so I'm not sure if the DLC is needed but RC86 will start out and if it becomes a major issue I'll stick with non-DLC sounds. The SRS is pretty much finished though I may add some stuff but other than unit work I'm probably going to release end of the weekish. AH-1Z - Still ironing out some major issues which the testers have done an excellent job in going over various bits and allowing me to rectify them as best as possible. Kiowa - Still on hold UH-60 - After my gun pack is released going to focus more on that and get the FM fixed so it's better than it is now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted November 1, 2016 And changed the weapon on the Raven PMC Tactical Light Sniper Rifle: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted November 8, 2016 Sorry for the lack of updates but again Karen Libera Smith is harassing me again so it'll be some time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted November 12, 2016 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download LInk: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtUHIzT19pSDJIVnM/view?usp=sharing ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RC86- Added black versions of SCARs- Fixed Hiddenselections on the SCAR STD CS- Fixed the SCAR-H (CS), now loads the proper magazines and inherits from the proper weapon class- Added a black EGLM texture- SCAR-P SD now shoots suppressed sounds only- Requires Game version 1.64- Added a Black River PMC LMG unit- Added a Desert Tech Covert SRS in .338 Lapua, has a five round magazine and the round used for the game is the Lapua Scenar GB488 VLD round on the Covert SRS 16-inch barrel.It is available in four colors, Black, Khaki, Forest (original texture), and Tan.- Raven PMC units spawn with the correct headgear- Changed the Raven PMC Soldier optic to an ACO (Red)- Added a Black River PMC Sniper- Added a Black River PMC Squad Leader- Fixed some M68 optic windows Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted November 14, 2016 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtRWlvdTFrYjRhUVU/view?usp=sharing ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RC86_2- Fixed the sound configuration for a lot of weapons, now has full sound- Put the AA-12 back in the listing- Fixed the AA-12 sounds so it doesn't sound like an HK416 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted August 27, 2018 This should be a good decent version. Unfortunately due to the Internet I use, it considers the Steam Interface as "Gaming" (true) but won't let me access ANY pages on Steam (But I can download files, weird) AH-1Z Beta https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3Umtd3VfTHBHVDNZaTg/view?usp=sharing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites